Celebration Banner

Five Years ago we had our first service as a Life Church Family! In honor of this, and some new exciting changes coming up for our family, we have dedicated January as Celebration Month! Plan on joining us this month as we look at where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going in the future.

January 10th-Celebrate our Home

January 17th-Celebrate our Past

 January 24th-Celebrate our Present

January 31st-Celebrate our Future


January 30thVolunteer Appreciation Dinner 6:30pm at Cheers Chalet

Join us as we celebrate and thank YOU for all of your
hard work in helping our family run smoothly for five years!
Please see the insert for more information.

February 6thFamily Movie Night 6:00pm at Life Church

We love our church family! We want to dedicate a night to celebrating our families and our future with a fun
movie night at the Church!
We will watch the movie ‘Inside Out’.
Popcorn, candy & drinks will be provided.