Collective Aid is a ministry to aid the organizations that, through the love of Christ and volunteer hours, make our community a better place. Together we can make a difference.
Christ loves the church, and his greatest command for us was to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:35-40). We are to be his hands and feet here on earth, where we live, work and worship. The best way we can do that is to provide for the organizations around us that strive daily to make a difference in our community.
Each month, Life Church Vineyard has designated a recipient for donation. The boxes below tell of each organization’s mission and has a detailed list of their needs. There is an area inside the church for collection.

The Foundation Shelter is dedicated to responding to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:31-46). He calls upon each follower to respond to the needs of the downcast with a merciful heart, supplying not only words, but also and most importantly, deeds.
New or gently used: blankets, coats, men’s gloves, hats, washcloths and towels (not white), reading materials (books and magazines).
New only: combs, baby wipes for bathing, hand warmers and travel size toiletries.
If you would like to volunteer:
Foundation Dinners: https://www.hungryhomeless.org/
Foundation Shelters: https://www.foundationshelters.org/

MARCH & APRIL: Lancaster Vineyard Food Pantry
The Lancaster Vineyard Food Pantry serves the community each Wednesday from 3-6:30pm. They are located at 423 West Wheeling St. in Lancaster.
To find out more or to volunteer; please contact Sarah Bay at sarah@lancastervineyard.org
toiletries: shampoo/conditioner, soap, deodorant (men’s and women’s), shaving cream, pads, tampons
condiments: salt/pepper, mayo, mustard, ketchup, salad dressing and other seasonings

MAY & June: Pregnancy Decision Health Center & Bottoms Up Diaper bank
For more than four decades, Pregnancy Decision Health Center has been providing vital resources to women in Central Ohio. They’re here for you with free pregnancy tests, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy & parenting classes, clothes, diapers, car seats and more. Bottoms Up Diaper Bank collects diapers for those who have trouble affording them.
PDHC NEEDS: diapers, wipes, bottles, bibs, car seats, baby blankets, baby clothing (all new items only) Or take a baby bottle to fill with $$.
PDHC information: https://www.pdhc.org/
BOTTOMS UP NEEDS: diapers of various sizes
Bottoms Up information: https://www.bottomsup.life/

JULY & AUGUST: pleasantville elementary
The months of July and August we will be collecting school supplies to donate to Pleasantville Elementary School
NEEDS: The needs will be shared when we receive them from the district. There will be physical lists on the Collective Aid station.

September: The Refuge
The Refuge is a leading faith-based, non-profit addiction recovery ministry founded in Ohio in 1999. The mission of The Refuge is to change the lives of men affected by addiction through Christ. Their goal is to take men from active addiction to becoming responsible men of God, who go on to serve as lights to their families and communities. They do so through The Refuge Residential Addiction Recovery Programs.
NEEDS: toiletries (toothpaste and brushes especially), toilet paper, paper towels, sheets for Twin Beds, Pillowcases, NIV Study Bibles, Journals, 18 Gallon Totes with Lids
Refuge information: https://www.therefugeohio.org/about

OCTOBER: Lancaster vineyard food pantry
We will be collecting items for their Thanksgiving meal boxes. List to come soon.

NOVEMBER: Operation christmas child
Details coming soon!

december: Adopted family
Details coming soon!
Current outreach opportunities
Foundation Dinners is able to have a number of volunteers help in food preparation as well as counseling, job search assistance and more to help express compassion to those who need it here in Lancaster. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Steve Templin at 740-407-5670. For directions to Foundation Dinners, click HERE.
Foundation Shelters is in need of the following: coffee, coffee creamer, sugar, styrofoam cups, large and small trash bags, coats, gloves and hats and your prayers.
Breakfast 4 U Pleasantville could use your help packaging breakfast bags for school-age children every Tuesday 6pm at Pleasantville UMC. Usually takes about 30 minutes. To help with packing the breakfast bags on Tuesday evenings, contact Kethy @ (740)503-4663
Grace Haven New & Used Store located at 333 S. Broad St in Lancaster, could always use help organizing and working during store hours. Contact MaryAnn Hess if you are interested: (740)808-6255
Lancaster Vineyard Food Pantry located at 423 West Wheeling Street Lancaster. They are open to the public every Wednesday from 3:00-6:30pm. To volunteer please contact Sarah Bay sarah@lancastervineyard.org They need help with unloading trucks, helping clients load their groceries and various other things. Learn more about the pantry and how you can help: https://www.lancastervineyard.org/food-pantry
LifeWise Academy: LifeWise is an RTRI program that provides Bible-based education to public school students. LifeWise serves alongside educators by reinforcing and complementing their efforts. A Positive Impact. Released Time Instruction. Investing In Our Future. Here are the links to the local schools participating:
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio: Ways to get involved
PDHC (Pregnancy Decision Health Center): Contact Andrea Stem Volunteer Coordinator for ways you can help AndreaS@PDHC.org