about life church vineyard
a place to be
needed & known,
discipled & equipped
At Life Church Vineyard, we are a Family on a Mission. A place to be Needed & Known, Discipled & Equipped.
We believe God created us for relationship and to share that within a community context. That’s where the family part comes in. But we’re not just family, we are a family on a mission. We are followers of Jesus Christ and our mission is to help bring the Kingdom of God ‘here on earth as it is in heaven’. Every person is needed and our hope is that everyone feels known. And as pastors and leaders, our role is to show you the extravagant love of Jesus for you in hopes you will embrace it and experience it yourself and choose to follow God. We will also do our best to teach you the Word of God from the Bible and give you tools to help you become a disciple and equip you for the good work that we believe God has for you!
We encourage you to come as you are, as we lean into become all He’s created us to be. We hope you find us to be a safe space to explore faith and ask questions. There is mercy for mistakes and love for the unlovely. Our love isn’t based on performance, but on who we are in Christ. We need mercy, and we will offer mercy. At our core, we understand that we are all flawed but forgiven people who are fleshing out our salvation in fits and starts. We meet each other in the ‘real’ of our lives and encourage each other toward the ‘ideal’. We seek God’s best for ourselves and each other.
At Life Church Vineyard we choose to do life together! We laugh together, we cry together. We eat together, we help meet each other’s needs. We share lives and we pray for one another. We lean on each other for wisdom, accountability and help raising our families. We serve together, worship together, and learn from each other, helping each other grow spiritually, using our unique gifts and talents to bless others.
At Life Church Vineyard you will find simple worship, simple preaching/teaching and simplified fellowship opportunities. We are committed to this simplified approach to church life. We are committed to drawing people together for the simple purpose of worshipping together, sharing the Word together, and doing life together. We’re not after a slick presentation, just an authentic, sincere and natural church experience. In the Vineyard, we would say it like, we focus on “the main & the plain”, “come as you are and you will be loved”, “everyone gets to play” and “naturally supernatural”. A part of being a “family on a mission” is meeting the needs of our church family and then focusing our resources, energies and our lives outward from Life Church Vineyard toward our community, to our nation and to the ends of the earth.
We’d love to meet you. Come worship Jesus with us, Sunday mornings 10am. On Rt. 37 just 4 miles outside downtown Lancaster, next to Northeast Gas.
Pastors Mitch & Lara Price

jason & becky grubb
Jason & Becky Grubb have served on our Leadership Team since the church began in January 2011. Jason is bi-vocational pastor. He serves as our Worship & Media Pastor and works at the Fairfield County Engineers Office. Becky is a critical care nurse at Fairfield Medical Center. They have 2 daughters, Megan & Elaina. Megan is a graduate of Ohio University and Elaina is currently enrolled at Ohio University with the goal of being a nurse. As a family they love spending time together, either at the dinner table or vacationing on the beach. They love serving others and sharing the love of Christ in the workplace and the community.

Todd & debbie Hamilton
Todd and Debbie Hamilton have served on our Leadership Team since 2019. Debbie has played the piano since she was 5 and loves serving on the worship team as a keyboardist & has a passion for songwriting. Todd & Debbie are founders of N8 Family Chiropractic clinics, where their mission is to teach people the benefits of wellness chiropractic adjustments: to heal, prevent and maximize performance, allowing the body to work the way God designed. Todd & Debbie love learning and following the leadership qualities of Jesus and bring that style of servant leadership not only to their business but to the church as well. Todd & Debbie desire to honor God with every aspect of their lives. They have 2 boys, Drew and Adam, and enjoy travel and family date nights where they play cards and games.

David & sherry rauch
David & Sherry Rauch have served on our Leadership Team since 2020. David serves on our Worship & Media team and serves as our Church Administrator. Sherry teaches in our Saplings (preschool) class and leads our Home Meals team. Together they help lead our Visitation Ministry and Bickford Nursing Home Ministry alongside Sherry’s parents, Jerry & Anna Wentz. They are also certified SYMBIS facilitators which is a ministry to our engaged couples and struggling marriages. David retired from Rockwell Automation as a business lead for several product lines for Ohio. Sherry was a preschool teacher but in 2011 decided to stay at home to help with the care of their grandchildren, which she thoroughly enjoys! For recreation, they enjoy riding bikes together and travelling abroad. Through their 32 years together, and all the ups and downs life brings, they say “Life is grand with Jehovah leading our life!”

Scott & Stephanie Van Den Berg
Scott & Stephanie Van Den Berg have served on our Leadership Team since 2023 and prior to that served in Vineyard church leadership for 17 years. Stephanie serves on the Operation Christmas Child team, leads our funeral meals team, and contributes to several other ministries as well. Scott and Stephanie have 2 children, Jessica and Joseph, and six grandchildren. Scott and Stephanie are both retired, Scott from Supply Chain engineering and operations, and Stephanie from culinary research and development. They enjoy their time renovating their 1863 home, traveling, attending their grandchildren’s sporting events, and sharing their gift of hospitality with others.