At Life Church Vineyard, we are a family on a mission, and our children are a vital part of our family and our mission! Our children’s classrooms focus on teaching your children biblical foundations through engaging and active learning strategies which are appropriate for their stage of development. In each of our children’s classrooms, we strive each week to help your children meet Jesus in real, down to earth ways, and to make his Word come alive to our kids.
We offer a baby care room, attached to our sanctuary, for our littlest children who need to remain with a parent throughout the service. If needed, parents can watch the service from the baby care room while tending to their little one.
Children attending Sunday school, from nursery through fifth grade, are signed in at our children’s check-in window by parents before service and will receive a name tag. All our children’s volunteers are background checked for your safety.
Special needs ministry is also very important to us at Life Church Vineyard. We want to serve and include all children and families and help remove barriers for special needs families desiring to attend church. Children with special needs can receive the help of a buddy on Sunday mornings to attend Sunday school along with their peers. Parents are asked to complete a buddy form to give insight into their child’s specific needs for Sunday mornings.

In the Sprouts room, we offer nursery care for children from birth to three years of age.Children will hear a Bible story and receive engaging care with songs and games, as well as lots of play.

When children turn three they can move to our Saplings preschool classroom. Each week they will hear a short, engaging and interactive Bible lesson, play games, and do crafts and other hands-on learning activities to reinforce the lesson.

the grove
Children in grades kindergarten through fifth attend The Grove on Sunday mornings. To make God’s Word come alive, we use a variety of fun teaching activities including songs, videos, games, crafts, object lessons, hands on learning, and discussion.

Grades 6-9 join their families for corporate worship and then have the option of attending Rooted Sunday school during the sermon. This class focuses on relevant issues for pre-teens and teens. We provide a safe place for them to talk about their lives and learn what God wants for them.
Our high school students are a vital part of our Life Church Vineyard family. They can serve on volunteer teams and are learning how to integrate into the larger family as they become adults.
Both junior high and high school students are invited to participate in our Rooted Youth Group on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm at the church. Rooted Youth also has fun monthly events and service projects, as well as a fall retreat and summer missions opportunities.