I think it’s pretty safe to say that our culture has a superhero obsession. Every other new release at the box office seems to revolve around the imminent destruction of our world. But in spectacular fashion, in just the nick of time, utilizing their superhuman strength or speed or skill, breaking virtually every law of physics imaginable, our hero snatches victory out of the clutches of the evilest villains the universe has ever known. Boom, instant blockbuster!

Those who know me well know that I am a bit of a movie buff. I truly believe that on occasion and with cautious application, movies can be thought of and presented as modern-day parables. I honestly think Jesus would have referred to them from time to time when sharing spiritual truths. So for me, it’s an easy leap, when thinking about superhero movies, to see just how much they parallel our everyday “real” world.

I don’t think many would disagree that our world seems to be rapidly heading in the wrong direction in nearly every area of life; politically, socially, financially, etc. It’s not much of a stretch to admit, given our current trajectory and left to our own devices, that we’re all doomed, bound to destroy each other and ourselves. And whether we recognize it or not, we desperately crave a hero to rush in and save the day.

As a follower of Jesus and someone who reads through the Bible on a continual basis, I’m neither surprised by this reality nor discouraged by it. The Bible is very clear that our world is decaying every single day. My body is a perfect representation of that truth. (Can anybody else relate?)

But fully knowing just how our tragic spiral would end, in steps our fearless hero – – Jesus Christ! In John 16:33, he says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Wow, what great news! We know how that story ends, Jesus wins! He saves the world from its imminent destruction, and with it, every single person everyone who places their trust in Him. But that’s a big difference between the superhero world and this world. We need to make the decision to be saved. We must respond to his free gift of salvation.

In reading through the book of Romans, we learn that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (3:23).  Jesus died for our us and our sins, bridging the gap between us and God (5:8). Although our sin warrants us being separated from him forever, he gives us the free gift of salvation (6:23). In understanding that God raised Jesus from the dead, and placing him as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are saved (10:9-10)! That my friends is the “good news” that Jesus brings to this broken and dying world. That is his desire for you . . . today!

Instead of the hero obsession I spoke of, I think it’s much more accurate to refer to it as a Savior obsession. If you’re like me, you can see where this world is headed, and you know we need a Savior. Be sure of this, Jesus has already won the war. My challenge to you is will you have the courage and the humility to accept his free gift? I’m praying that you will!

Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.

~ Pastor Mitch