What to Expect

We would love to do Life together with you!

Sundays from 10:00 – 11:30 am


here’s what you can expect during a typical Sunday morning service at life church vineyard. please contact us if you have any questions! we welcome you to worship with us. 

Before the Service

  • Check-in for our children in nursery through 5th grade begins at 9:45 in the atrium at the check-in window. Children are signed in by parents or guardians and receive a name tag to wear during their classes. All children will be released from their classrooms to the parent who signed them in according to our sign-in sheets at the conclusion of the service.
  • The safety of our youth is our first priority. We pray you feel safe leaving your children with our volunteers as each volunteer over 18 years of age has received a background check verification by SecureSearch Pro.
  • If you need to keep your child with you and they become fussy, please visit the Atrium or Baby Care Room in the rear of the Sanctuary. 


  • From 9:45 to 10:00 AM, enjoy fellowship over a morning coffee in the Atrium.
  • If you’re joining us for the first time, we’d love to meet you at the Connect Center. Come introduce yourself, receive a welcome gift, and let us help you get connected.

Welcome & Announcements

  • When the music begins to play, please find your seat in the Sanctuary and prepare your heart for the service.
  • We want to know you! Please fill out a Response Card in the seat back so we can pray for you, or simply connect. Response Cards or Offerings may be placed in the baskets that are passed during the message or put in the locked box between the sanctuary doors.


  • Sorry, our fog machine is broken… Worship isn’t entertainment, it’s a time to tell God how wonderful He is! We draw near to Him through music and praise.
  • We also worship through personal testimonies as someone shares their “Life Story” in an interview with a pastor. These truthful testimonies demonstrate God’s faithfulness and offer hope in the midst of sickness, unfaithfulness, addiction and despair.
  • Please feel free to partake of open communion on either side of the sanctuary, where there are also people available to pray and talk with you. We share communion together as a congregation on the first Sunday of the month.


    • The Sunday sermon is sometimes humorous, often insightful, and always Biblical, culturally relevant and personally challenging.
    • Junior High/High School Students (grades 6-9) will go to their class immediately following worship and communion to partake in a lesson designed to meet them right where they are in their current walk through Life.


    • Respond to the message through prayer and worship.