I think “Treacherous 2020” would make an awesome name for a thrill ride at an amusement park. It’s ups and downs, and quick unpredictable twists and turns would rival any existing ride I’ve ever heard of. Throw in a little bit of dizziness and nausea and BOOM…an instant legend.

To many, however, this seems far more real than we’d like to admit. The health scares, financial whirlwind, social distancing and spiritual starvation is very much real. Recently, as I spent some time in prayer and reflection, I began wondering what lies in store in the future. As He often does, God reminded me of how in the past He’s come through for me and mine every single time, and that He’ll continue to do the same, come what may. He reminded me of one of the most difficult storms I’ve ever had to weather; the housing market of 2008 and the few years that followed.

Several major factors combined to create the perfect storm for our family-owned custom home building company. We were very much living paycheck to paycheck, with dozens of sub-contractors and their families relying on our productivity to meet their own financial needs as well. In needing to clear a log-jam of bills to our largest supplier, I needed a large chunk of money in order to pay the amount I had promised.

After receiving a much needed and overdue draw from a customer’s lender, I began the process of accounting for it in Quickbooks, our electronic checkbook. Upon completing the last step, which is to mark it as “deposited,“ I saw that a previous draw had only been entered but not marked as deposited. In a nutshell, the amount that was actually in our checking account was much greater than what I was showing in our check register. In fact, the amount that was there was exactly the extra amount needed to pay our supplier in full and on time. Wow! What a good and faithful God!

He reminded me of how when He, Jesus, and Peter needed money to pay their Temple Tax, He told Peter, “Go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” (Matthew 17:27)

How cool is that right?! And what a great reminder!

I remember Him telling me, “Mitch, I can and will supply all your needs by whatever means possible. Just believe. I’ll always take care of you.”


As I look back at the faithfulness He’s shown, in the difficulties of 2008, 2020 or any other treacherous year, I have no doubt that there is nothing that can be thrown at me, OR YOU, that He’s not able to overcome!

Lord, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!”

~ Pastor Mitch