As I approach my mid-60’s, I tell myself I’m aging like a fine wine… though some might suggest I’m fermenting into hard cider. The needle on my sensitive-male-meter points to “Car-Guy-from-the-60’s” not “Sensitive-Post-Modern-Man.” I want to be more sensitive, more Mr. Rogers-like, but if you squeeze me you get Tim-the-Tool-Man who would rather bite a cyanide capsule than watch Dancing with the Stars.

A well-meaning friend once gave Marilyn and me gift certificates so that we could each get a free massage at a spa. Marilyn was delighted. I was appalled. I referred to page 79 of the Real Man Manual, paragraph 9, section C: “At no time is a strange person ever permitted to rub your body with their bare hands!” This falls under subparagraph IV-a: “Real men don’t do spas!”

“But,” you may ask, “where can a real man go to be pampered and not violate his oath to the brotherhood?” Well boys, let me tell you what! Last year, I was pulling out of Steak ‘n Shake in my Grand Prix with beaucoup miles on it when I detected an irritating vibration. I mean, it’s hard enough sucking a hand-dipped, ice cream milkshake through a flimsy straw while attempting to balance fries on your knee!  A real man knows a tire vibration is no laughing matter.

Activating the turn signal with my elbow, I wheeled into a glistening new tire store. I was taken aback by the bright, pristine environment and the tire cutaways—each mounted on their own glistening mag-wheel—hung as décor on the walls! It was breathtaking! Immediately, Brad introduced himself and asked how he could help. He whisked me away on a cloud of personal service that included a demonstration of the single-cup coffee maker flanked by the incredible spinning lazy-Susan with its limitless selection of hot, caffeinated beverages. The racing motif of Brad’s crisply pressed, red oxford shirt only added to the intoxicating scent of new rubber. Gathering my wits, I poured out my deepest tire concerns. He assured me that my problem was now his problem as he directed me to the Customer Waiting Area.

I took my place of honor in a sumptuous leather chair overlooking the highway and was delighted to find the latest copy of Car and Driver magazine, meticulously ensconced in a clear plastic binder, lying at my finger tips. Soon and very soon, Brad introduced me to a competent young technician who promised to rotate, balance and clean my wheels. Then, only moments into a riveting comparison of the new Z28 Camaro and the 5.0 Mustang, the smiling technician returned to report how each of the procedures had been completed.  Drunk with luxury, I contently followed his lead as we waltzed through the showroom and out onto the front tarmac. He opened the door to my Grand Prix as if it were an Aston Martin. I stepped in, he thanked me again, and I zoomed away. I was enraptured! The cost was reasonable and my shimmy was gone. But more importantly, I realized I had just had a SPA-FOR-REAL-MEN experience!

More good news: in just a few miles, I will qualify for my free rotation. I’m not sure what I’ll wear but I’m definitely going for the Maple-Vanilla Latte this time!

I believe our Savior enjoys spa-like moments alone with us in the midst of our hectic schedules. I’m convinced His promise of abundant life comes from a much deeper place than money or things. Each of us can regularly secret-away to a personal place with Him that only we can completely appreciate. He invites that type of personal time with you also.


Day One: Read Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

  1. When you think of a place to escape from the worries of this life, what comes to your mind?
  2. When quiet or alone, have you experienced the presence of God?  Describe that time.
  3. Consider the “spa-like” sound of Jesus’ words. What exactly do you think He’s offering?
  4. Will you take time, perhaps even now, to quiet yourself before the Lord?


Day Two: Read Matthew 11:29

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

  1. Jesus mentions His yoke, what do you think He’s referring too?
  2. What is required of us in this verse?
  3. Once we put on His yoke, what does He want us to learn about Him?
  4. What connection does being “gentle and humble in heart” have with “rest for your soul”?


Day Three: Read Matthew 11:25-30

“At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.  26) Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.  27) “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 28) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29) Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  30) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

NOTE: In Jesus’ day, a YOKE was used to describe a rabbi’s slant toward his teaching.

  1. Whose yoke had Jesus adopted?
  2. Why do you think Jesus wants us to pick up His particular slant on God the Father?
  3. Why would taking up His yoke bring us rest?
  4. Who are we ultimately pleasing when we find rest in Jesus’ ways?


Day Four: Read Mark 6:31-32

“Because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, Jesus said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” 32) So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

  1. What part of this verse do you most relate to?
  2. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place”—which is it; by ourselves, with Him or both?
  3. Have you ever secreted away from the crowd at work, or home to be with Jesus? Discuss it.
  4. Here Jesus takes them out on a boat. What method works for you?


Lord, I don’t know why it is so difficult to admit how I desperately need “alone time” with You. But I am so grateful that You patiently wait for me to break away from the busyness of my life and look to You. Fill me with Your peace and Your presence through Your Holy Spirit. Amen.