Weekly Devo: Gifted

Weekly Devo: Gifted

After months of anticipation, Freshmen Orientation finally arrived. I unpacked my bags and squirreled away my personal belongings.  Marilyn’s senior picture and a tiny box of memorabilia sat on the shelf above the laminated counter top that would serve as a common...

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Weekly Devo: Blindsided

Weekly Devo: Blindsided

Have you seen my cute little office? Its bright blue walls are lined with my favorite kitschy collections. Trust me, it’s way more relaxing than a tire store or car show! (By the way, this is Amy writing this week, not Ron – if you haven’t figured that out yet.) Take...

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Weekly Devo: Half Time

Weekly Devo: Half Time

Crowded into the tight confines of the visitor’s locker room, the embattled players settled to one knee as their coach paced back and forth, slapping the remains of the mangled playbook against his leg with every nervous step. He was disheveled and battle worn, yet...

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Weekly Devo: A Spa for Real Men

Weekly Devo: A Spa for Real Men

As I approach my mid-60’s, I tell myself I’m aging like a fine wine… though some might suggest I’m fermenting into hard cider. The needle on my sensitive-male-meter points to “Car-Guy-from-the-60’s” not “Sensitive-Post-Modern-Man.” I want to be more sensitive, more...

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Weekly Devo: Personal Space

Weekly Devo: Personal Space

The September sun ricocheted around the parking lot of hot rods with such vivid intensity I found it impossible to focus on the well-dressed business man asking questions about my ‘38 Ford.  Shielding my eyes, I squinted at him, thinking, “This guy might be our buyer!...

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March 2025