Weekly Devo: Watershed Moments

Weekly Devo: Watershed Moments

Life changing events, watershed moments that transform our lives, come in at least two versions. There’s the classic, “Wow, I didn’t see that coming!”  in which an event suddenly and significantly changes our life... a promotion that moves your family to another...

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Weekly Devo: Happy Holy-Days

Weekly Devo: Happy Holy-Days

I picked up a newspaper and chuckled sarcastically as I read an ad from a big box store declaring its patriotism with “Memorable Savings.”  And oh, by the way, in the “spirit of the holiday” the store bragged it would not only remain open on the holiday, but was...

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Weekly Devo: Backing into Grace

Weekly Devo: Backing into Grace

If you’ve ever rented a car at an airport, you’ve likely driven over a row of hinged spikes set in the pavement that point menacingly in the opposite direction.  A huge sign screams, “WARNING, DO NOT BACK UP—SEVERE TIRE DAMAGE WILL RESULT!” I find it unnerving to...

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Weekly Devo: Sunbeam Dilemma

Weekly Devo: Sunbeam Dilemma

In January, my friend Jack casually mentioned he’d had an old British sports car tucked away in his barn for years. Long story short, I followed him home and purchased the 1967 Sunbeam Alpine on the spot. Because it was the middle of winter and a huge camper had...

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Weekly Devo: Mother’s Beauty Mark

Weekly Devo: Mother’s Beauty Mark

My mom and dad were childhood friends, and like many farm kids in rural Ohio during the 1920’s and 30’s, they married close to home. They attended the same one-room school house as grade schoolers, and later graduated from Pleasantville High School together. They...

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March 2025