Weekly Devo: Sunbeam Invasion
This week I’m stepping into the unknown. I’m heading to Nashville. Nope, no big record deal and no plans for the Grand Ole Opry. I’m going to drop in on an elite group of automotive enthusiasts: The Sunbeam Owners Club is gathering for their annual national...
Weekly Devo: Sacred Places
The most powerful places in my life are inevitably nostalgic places. For instance, where I am right now—the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. I’m sitting on the north side of the race track, cozied up against the historic wooden grandstand. Even though it’s the week...
Weekly Devo: Soaking in the Rain
Looking out over our lush green lawn, you’d think the drought is over—right? The grass is growing like crazy and the summer flowers are showing off as though nothing happened. But if you live in the country as I do, you know this summer’s drought greatly impacted the...
Weekly Devo: Big Wave!
At the same intersection, at the same time, Marilyn and I have crossed paths with the same school bus driver on our way to the church office. And each time he has given us a great big wave—like he’s known us all his life! The first time, we both waved back tenuously...
Weekly Devo: Onsite Owners
For the past 10 days, Marilyn and I basked in the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains. We spent three days at The Cove, Billy Graham’s training center located in the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. From Asheville we made our way to...
Weekly Devo: Driving Miss Laney
The grass finally grew enough that the yard needed a trim, so I got out our John Deere riding lawn mower and made a few swipes around the yard to clean the place up. “Yep, that looks pretty good.” As I washed up the mower before putting it away, Elaina, my...