What is Pentecost? And Where Did it Come From?
If you go back and read the Old Testament, you will discover that Pentecost was one of the Jewish feast days. Only they didn't call it Pentecost. That's the Greek name. The Jews called it the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks. It is mentioned in five places in...
Filthy Rags: An Easter Reflection
As Easter was approaching this year, I’ve been contemplating the magnitude of Jesus sacrifice anew. It is almost impossible not to sanitize the crucifixion narrative, because the reality of it is so horrific. Even the sanitized version is hard to contemplate. Jesus...
His Rod and Staff Will Comfort Them
Yes, I know I have recently shared about Psalm 23, but it has really been a touch point for me lately. Here's a little glimpse into why: Some of you know that our youngest and her little family are taking off next month on their first RV adventure. Though I’ve been so...
Peripheral Vision
A few weeks ago, I was highly focused on my exercise routine on our rowing machine when my five-year-old daughter came bursting into the room. She hopped up on the spare bed in the guest room and said, “Mom! Look what I can do!” These words always bring a certain...
Eleven: A Reflection (Sophie’s Story)
Every year on Sophie’s birthday, I feel very reflective. We are now 11 years into her journey. I think after 11 years I actually have developed some hindsight. For a long time it felt like I was only able to see everything about our life up close, like a picture book...
Let’s encourage them
Let us encourage them Last weekend I attended the IF Gathering at our church. The IF Gathering is a women’s conference started by Jennie Allen; Bible teacher, author, she’s also a wife and a mom. The idea of the IF Gathering is “if God” …and she fills in the blank...