Weekly Devo: This Changes Everything
This Christmas, I have a renewed understanding of why the angels sang and the heaven’s lit up when the Child of Peace was born. I believe I will better grasp why the angels ecstatic announcements roused the shepherds from their sleep. As a nation, we continue to reel...
Weekly Devo: Making Grown Men Cry
It’s incredible how much syrup can ooze from a 42” flat screen. The variations on the same predictable plot in the sappy Christmas movies Marilyn loves are apparently countless. Girl has shallow boyfriend, girl goes home for Christmas, girl endures boorish relatives...
Weekly Devo: Is It Getting Hot In Here?
Dad stored his farm tractor and tools along with an array of broken bicycles, worn out lawn mowers and miscellaneous junk in what we euphemistically called “the garage.” It wasn’t actually a garage but a buggy shed built long before the invention of the Model T, a...
Weekly Devo: I Can Shift For Myself!
I was just five years old when I learned to shift for myself. Somehow I’d won the rare privilege of riding in the front seat of our 1952 Mercury with Mom and Dad. The long couch-like front seat stretched from door to door, soft coil-springs covered in scratchy wool...
Weekly Devo: Party Line
Marilyn and I very much enjoy our lives. We live in the country with her dad and spend most every day working for our small but vibrant church family. Our lives are basically centered on the activities of ministry. Marilyn’s dad, Wayne, now 86 years old, still works...
Weekly Devo: Inside Voice
Friday night is “Date Night”… you know, dinner and a movie for me and Marilyn. After we agreed there were no new movies that interested us, we headed to a restaurant Marilyn had visited this past Friday after she and her sister, Connie, made a trip to Columbus to...