Weekly Devo: Plastic Bathroom
For almost a year, the only thing that separated our bathroom from the kitchen was black plastic nailed over the 2X4 framing. Dad was a do-it-yourselfer, not because he had skills but because he couldn’t afford to hire work done. As a result, any home improvements...
Weekly Devo: Working for a Living
I haven’t always worked as a pastor. Actually, I’ve only had a couple of real jobs in my lifetime. By a “real job” I mean a job where I’m responsible to someone else to work the hours they prescribe. Years ago, I worked as a collision estimator for Kumler Automotive....
Weekly Devo: Daddy Carried You
Riding in a car was different when I was a kid. We were free to move about the cabin. We pressed our noses to the glass and our imaginations soared as we watched the scenery pass in real time. I remember laughing at Lady, our neighbor’s collie, who compulsively chased...
Weekly Devo: I’m Warning You…
When I was a kid, safety was something grownups talked about but no one really did anything about. One summer afternoon my brothers and I rigged a bicycle ramp by leaning a flimsy piece of used plywood against a crumpled trash barrel. Spotting me peddling my Schwinn...
Weekly Devo: Multitasking
Years ago, Marilyn and I made a road trip to Florida with another couple. The miles flew by quickly and we did our best to wear out an 8-track of Kenny Rogers and The First Edition as the four of us wailed, “I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was...
Weekly Devo: Bus Number Four
I spent a great deal of my young life on a school bus when I began my grade school career in 1955. My brothers and I were the first on in the morning and the last off in the afternoon—you see, we lived on the continental divide between Bremen and Sugar Grove....