Weekly Devo: One Man’s Trash

Weekly Devo: One Man’s Trash

While other families were playing table games, my family worked on our rickety old cars. It wasn’t a hobby, it was a necessity. We simply couldn’t afford to pay a real mechanic and as a result all four brothers learned how to repair practically anything at an early...

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Weekly Devo: God Sightings

Weekly Devo: God Sightings

My father-in-law celebrated his 87th birthday last weekend. He’s an incredible person, really—he’s still very healthy and demonstrates that by driving over 200 miles a day, six days a week, delivering car parts!  This is his third lifetime career. After returning home...

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Weekly Devo: What do you say at a funeral?

Weekly Devo: What do you say at a funeral?

If you’ve read this column more than once, you probably know I’m a minister in real life. I enjoy being a minister, but if I tell you a secret, will you promise not to hold it against me? I really wanted to be a race car driver. That didn’t happen, but I haven’t given...

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Weekly Devo: Trapped on an Island

Weekly Devo: Trapped on an Island

Like most young men, few possessions are more memorable than my first car.  I washed and polished every square inch of that 62’ Nova convertible at least once a week. I scrubbed the whitewalls with SOS pads and then sprayed on Lemon Pledge. (This was way before...

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Weekly Devo: Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Weekly Devo: Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Do you remember the sheer joy that washed over you on the last day of school? It was more than an adrenaline rush; it was much deeper—definitely therapeutic. If the phrase “There’s no school tomorrow,” still tickles something in your inner child, then you know what...

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Weekly Devo: Taking Mom for Granted

Weekly Devo: Taking Mom for Granted

Growing up, it was a given that Dad’s personal time with me would be limited. After all, he had to go to work every day. If, during a rare day off, he turned his personal attention to us boys, it was received like a gift. He’d holler like a sportscaster, “Let’s play...

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March 2025