Remember when summer was relaxing?

Remember when summer was relaxing?

It’s clearly a new day when it comes to planning out our kids’ summer. My memory may fail me, but I can’t remember one time when I overheard my parents discussing which camps their three kids were going to attend, coordinating dates to ensure we had friends with us,...

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Today I turn 40 years old. To some, this seems so young. To others it feels like a far away and ancient place they will not see for so long that it’s not even on the horizon. 40 has been a hard pill for me to swallow. Many of my friends are looking forward to the new...

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Reveal to Me the Way I Should Go

Reveal to Me the Way I Should Go

Need direction? Me, too, friend. From where to live to how to love, I desperately need to know the way I should go. I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a time of transition or season of change, uncertainty and anxiety crowd out excitement and opportunity. The...

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Do You Want to Get Well?

Do You Want to Get Well?

In my quest for freedom from back pain there has been a lot of hard work. I’ve been rowing for three months now. There were many days that I didn’t feel like doing it. At all. But, the payoff has been huge. I was able to go to my mom’s this weekend and do very...

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One Body, Many Working Parts

One Body, Many Working Parts

Two of my favorite things in life are cooking and family antiques. Sometimes, those two things are in the same scenario. Recently I experienced such a scenario. On Easter, we all met as a family at my parent’s home for a meal after church. In recent years, I have been...

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Why Is Being a Follower So Hard?

Why Is Being a Follower So Hard?

We have an authority problem. It’s an American problem and it’s a global problem. Specifically, we don’t trust the leaders and institutions that should and could empower human flourishing. That’s the conclusion of the Edelman Trust Barometer, a yearly survey of over...

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October 2024