Weekly Devo: Use Your Inside Voice
We try to make Fridays our date-night—you know, dinner and a movie. After we agreed there were no new movies that interested us, we discussed restaurant choices. Marilyn and her sister had recently enjoyed their visit to a roadside restaurant near Hebron and she...
Weekly Devo: Is it a coincidence?
We recently celebrated Marilyn’s birthday. It’s been a long association—Marilyn and me. I don’t remember when we first met, probably in Sunday school as first graders. Our families attended Oakthorpe Christian Union Church. Oakthorpe, for those of you who don’t know,...
Weekly Devo: Time Stood Still
It’s Sunday afternoon at the softball park. My granddaughter, Laney, is playing her umpteenth game of the summer. Now its tournament time, which means we play a game, sit a game, etc. It’s a luxury really, the free time it affords; I’m writing this article to redeem...
Simple Faith Devo: Twenty-first Century Blacksmith
The state highway that approaches Dave George’s repair shop rises just enough to afford a glimpse of the George farm before it slowly drops, like a polite elevator, to the entrance of the long drive leading to the shop. George’s Repair is one of Thornville’s oldest...
Weekly Devo: He who has ears
Poor Richard’s Almanack (yes it ends with a ‘k’), compiled and printed by none other than Benjamin Franklin, predicted the weather and also declared with confident authority exactly when eighteenth century farmers should plant their crops for maximum productivity....
Simple Faith Devo: Pickup Trucks I’ve Loved
I would take in every old car that wandered like a stray cat to my back door. I plead with Marilyn, “Pleezze let me keep it… I will love it, and feed it, and promise to always take care of it!” Fortunately, Marilyn is way too savvy to fall for that line, and so I’m...