Simple Faith Devo: Cats and the Resurrection
I like cats. They don’t always like me. But then, that may be the source of my inherent respect—I secretly admire their independence. Dogs are born to please. They come running at your bidding…but a cat? Not so much. It can be irritating or endearing when a cat...
Simple Faith Devo: Life in the Bleachers
The gymnasium was hot and crowded when we arrived. It wasn’t that the crowd was so terribly large, but that the gym was so terribly small! It was, after all, a fifty year old Junior High School. Half a century ago, architects never imagined that any sporting event...
Simple Faith Devo: Architectural Salvage
One of my hobbies is interior decorating, though I don’t like to brag about it to my man-friends. There have been times I’ve forgotten where I am and let it slip that I have a passion for good interior design. When that happens, my friends fall silent and look down to...
Simple Faith Devo: It All ADD’s Up
I was hyper-active long before The Roadrunner caught his first glimpse of Wylie Coyote. Stir in a good dose of attention deficit and you have the essential elements of my childhood. Although age has mercifully slowed my metabolism, allowing me to corral my focus long...
Weekly Devo: Humbled – and proud of it!
Gravel sprayed in all directions as I slid into the barn lot and jumped out of my little red convertible. I was pumped! This was my first day as a farmhand. Wayne ambled from the farm house, working a toothpick like a crowbar, his focused gaze and determined steps...
Weekly Devo: Sales Representatives
“So I played the heart on the nine and Gladys, totally disgusted, dropped her hand on the table so firmly it nearly caused my Chamomile tea to splash over onto my mother’s embroidered table cloth,” Millie Garrett chuckled and continued in her charming southern drawl,...