Simple Faith: Onsite Owners

Simple Faith: Onsite Owners

Marilyn and I love to bask in the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains. We once spent three days at The Cove, Billy Graham’s training center located in the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. From Asheville we made our way to Charlotte to...

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Simple Faith: Stink Eye

Simple Faith: Stink Eye

Looking back, I’m really surprised my parents allowed me to sit with my mischievous contemporaries in the “adult service” of our little ol’ church on Sunday mornings.  Let’s just be honest:  even a pagan knows a row of preteen boys are a disturbance waiting to happen!...

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Simple Faith Devo: Eye to Eye

Simple Faith Devo: Eye to Eye

When our youngest son, Ryan, graduated from the sixth grade, he and his classmates celebrated with a pool party at his best friend’s house. Like many pools in our area, it was an above-ground model with a wooden deck along one side. Unfortunately, Ryan found out the...

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Simple Faith Devo: Dependable Dad

Simple Faith Devo: Dependable Dad

Whenever I see a dead car along the road, I can’t help but expel an empathetic sigh as I vicariously recall  the many times I found myself in that situation as a younger man. Like my dad before me, I’ve driven high maintenance vehicles most of my life. But I credit...

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Simple Faith: Sycamore Sighting

Simple Faith: Sycamore Sighting

On a warm summer Sunday in June of ’57, my parents and I attended the Oakthorpe School Reunion held at the Oakthorpe School House. At eight years old, I was the same age as my parents when they attended grade school there. Seven-year-old Marilyn and her family were...

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Simple Faith: Old Men and Little Dogs

Simple Faith: Old Men and Little Dogs

Now that Marilyn and I are part of the camper-nation, having progressed from shopping for campers to actual ownership, we’re knee deep into the process of learning to pull it, park it and enjoy the process. I quickly discovered it isn’t easy being a stone-cold rookie...

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March 2025