Simple Faith: Memories Should Lead to Gratitude
I am privileged to have been raised in the wooded hills near the village of Sugar Grove—a quiet community nestled into the gentle slopes carved-out during the glacial age; which my granddaughters believe to have occurred somewhere around the time I entered Mrs....
Simple Faith: When a Bird Acts Like God
On the back side of our property lies an abandoned gravel parking lot. Once, it’s tightly packed limestone gleamed white in the sun, but now after years of inactivity, the small stones have dissappeared like the hair on my head, leaving only large, craggily foundation...
Simple Faith: The Best Vacation Ever!
When I was a kid, vacations were something that rich people did. I remember succinctly the first time I heard the phrase “going on vacation”. My friend said, “I won’t be at the fort tomorrow—we’re going on vacation.” “Yea…a vacation?” I asked, “What the heck’s a...
Simple Faith: Crashed My RV
Coming out of the RV collision repair shop after visiting my recently crashed RV, I couldn’t help but chuckle as I reflected on the series of events that put me there. If you’re a regular reader of this column you know we recently purchased an RV—that’s Recreational...
Simple Faith: Life is Unpredictable…or is it?
Predictability can be boring—you know, like when you watch the same TV show over and over, or you have the same breakfast cereal for days in a row, or like those things we always count on. However, it can become the most encouraging life force we know. I’m sitting on...
Simple Faith: Self-Inflicted Injury
After a great Sunday morning service, I arrived home and hurried through lunch anxious to settle into my recliner to indulge in one of my favorite Sunday afternoon pastimes—NASCAR Live. I hummed along misty eyed as Blake Shelton sang the national anthem, and I...