How To Blow a Horn

How To Blow a Horn

Tony* was a good enough kid, but he frosted my cookies every time he rode his chrome-laden, store-bought bike into our driveway. He came for only one reason: to show off the newest accessory he’d bought. A new bike was definitely a rich-kid deal in our neighborhood....
Weekly Devo: Changing My Shape

Weekly Devo: Changing My Shape

A while back I had a stress test done. Heart disease runs in my family, and so I thought at my age I should have myself tested. At first, I was flattered when several nurses came in to watch as I stumbled along on the treadmill. I thought to myself, “They are probably...
Weekly Devo: When Problems Bring Pleasure

Weekly Devo: When Problems Bring Pleasure

Marilyn has been particularly generous to me over the past six months. She agreed to tap into our savings allowing me to finish the restoration of my 1967 Sunbeam Alpine. I’m an old hand at auto restoration, but this is the first British-built sports car I’ve tackled....
Weekly Devo: One Man’s Trash

Weekly Devo: One Man’s Trash

While other families were playing table games, my family worked on our rickety old cars. It wasn’t a hobby, it was a necessity. We simply couldn’t afford to pay a real mechanic and as a result all four brothers learned how to repair practically anything at an early...
Weekly Devo: God Sightings

Weekly Devo: God Sightings

My father-in-law celebrated his 87th birthday last weekend. He’s an incredible person, really—he’s still very healthy and demonstrates that by driving over 200 miles a day, six days a week, delivering car parts!  This is his third lifetime career. After returning home...
Weekly Devo: What do you say at a funeral?

Weekly Devo: What do you say at a funeral?

If you’ve read this column more than once, you probably know I’m a minister in real life. I enjoy being a minister, but if I tell you a secret, will you promise not to hold it against me? I really wanted to be a race car driver. That didn’t happen, but I haven’t given...
Weekly Devo: Trapped on an Island

Weekly Devo: Trapped on an Island

Like most young men, few possessions are more memorable than my first car.  I washed and polished every square inch of that 62’ Nova convertible at least once a week. I scrubbed the whitewalls with SOS pads and then sprayed on Lemon Pledge. (This was way before...
Weekly Devo: Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Weekly Devo: Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Do you remember the sheer joy that washed over you on the last day of school? It was more than an adrenaline rush; it was much deeper—definitely therapeutic. If the phrase “There’s no school tomorrow,” still tickles something in your inner child, then you know what...
Weekly Devo: Taking Mom for Granted

Weekly Devo: Taking Mom for Granted

Growing up, it was a given that Dad’s personal time with me would be limited. After all, he had to go to work every day. If, during a rare day off, he turned his personal attention to us boys, it was received like a gift. He’d holler like a sportscaster, “Let’s play...