Weekly Devo: Poison Ivy

Weekly Devo: Poison Ivy

Laying his huge hand on my shoulder, Doctor Kraker did his best to speak encouragement, “Ronnie, I know this is a hassle. Your eyes are practically swelled shut and your hands are completely covered, but there’s good news—when you grow up you’ll likely be immune to...
Weekly Devo: Metallic Blue Bike

Weekly Devo: Metallic Blue Bike

On a gray, wintery afternoon near Christmas, Mom asked me to ride my bike to North Berne and pick up a loaf of bread from Mrs. Elick. Mrs. Elick kept an old wooden cupboard on her front porch stocked with fresh Omar Bakery Bread, glazed donuts and the Eagle Gazette....
Weekly Devo: I Can Hear You!

Weekly Devo: I Can Hear You!

I’ve always been an early riser, up well before the sun. Often in those early hours I take my morning coffee to the front porch swing, especially as fall throttles back the summer heat and yesterday’s warmth becomes today’s chilly morning. When the temperature drops,...
Weekly Devo: Park Here!

Weekly Devo: Park Here!

Picture for a moment our own Fairfield County Fairgrounds—gentle rolling lawns and iconic buildings ensconced by her historic racetrack. As your imaginary eye follows the tall trunk of a sycamore to its canopy, you’re struck by the imposing grace of Mount Pleasant and...
Weekly Devo: It’s Family

Weekly Devo: It’s Family

Having spent most of my life playing with old cars, I’ve attended enough car shows to earn a doctorate in automobilia. Along the way I’ve developed a sophisticated palate for high quality restorations. Whenever I can combine the beauty of the Smoky Mountains with a...
Weekly Devo: Powered by Imagination

Weekly Devo: Powered by Imagination

Last evening, I enjoyed watching our five year old neighbor ride his tiny motorcycle around and around their property. From my swing on the patio he rode like a pro.  I thought to myself, “I can only imagine what it would have been like to have a real motorized toy...
Weekly Devo: Our Backs to the Future

Weekly Devo: Our Backs to the Future

I vividly recall in the 60’s sitting around the kitchen table while my older brother, Dave, an AT&T engineer, preached of a coming communication revival. He spoke of a new telephone technology. He went on to devote his entire career assisting in the development of...
Weekly Devo: Backing Into Grace

Weekly Devo: Backing Into Grace

If you’ve ever rented a car at an airport, you’ve likely driven over a row of hinged spikes set in the pavement that point menacingly in the opposite direction.  A huge sign screams, “WARNING, DO NOT BACK UP—SEVERE TIRE DAMAGE WILL RESULT!” I find it unnerving to...
Weekly Devo: Mother’s Beauty Mark

Weekly Devo: Mother’s Beauty Mark

My mom and dad were childhood friends, and like many farm kids in rural Ohio during the 1920’s and 30’s, they married close to home. They attended the same one-room school house as grade schoolers, and later graduated from Pleasantville High School together. They...