Simple Faith Devo: Something About Nothing

Simple Faith Devo: Something About Nothing

The beauty of this column, like Jerry Seinfeld’s TV sitcom, is that it’s really all about nothing. Perhaps you’ve seen the episode in which George Costanza is asked by Hollywood producers to explain what the show was about? He threw his hands in the air and in his...
Simple Faith Devo: Flash Grief

Simple Faith Devo: Flash Grief

Last week in this column I reminisced how birthdays in my boyhood home were basically a non-event. Ironically, that same week, Marilyn and I were invited to a friend’s surprise birthday party where I thoroughly enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new people. I was...
Simple Faith Devo: Happy Birthday

Simple Faith Devo: Happy Birthday

As a kid, my family was never big on birthdays. Shoot, at the Grubb house it wasn’t at all uncommon to be sitting at the dinner table eating supper, when suddenly, as though hit on the back of the head, someone might announce, “Hey, isn’t today your birthday?” With...
Simple Faith Devo: Borrowed Uniforms

Simple Faith Devo: Borrowed Uniforms

The New Year’s celebration is a bittersweet event in my life personally…it’s the anniversary of the passing of one of my heroes, my older brother David. Even today, 15 years later, I pause to reflect fondly on his life. Dave was a freshman at Berne Union in 1958; the...
Simple Faith Devo: Easily Offended

Simple Faith Devo: Easily Offended

“No, absolutely not! We are not allowed to ask our customers if they want a senior discount…” sputtered my friend who works as a cashier at a local restaurant, “Regardless of how old they may appear!” Interestingly enough, her company discovered many senior customers...
Simple Faith Devo: A Star is Born

Simple Faith Devo: A Star is Born

The internet has provided countless thousands the opportunity to trace their historical ancestry through specialized websites. It continues to be a popular study for many, providing immeasurable satisfaction to those who seek to verify their personal heritage....
Simple Faith Devo: The Good and the Bad

Simple Faith Devo: The Good and the Bad

My wife, Marilyn, once experienced a powerful, personal revelation while working as the office manager at a busy mental health clinic. One of her many responsibilities was to create and maintain a crowded schedule of counseling appointments for a cadre of mental...
Simple Faith Devo: I’m Grateful it’s Uphill

Simple Faith Devo: I’m Grateful it’s Uphill

I recently drove past my boyhood home on Lake Road just southeast of North Berne, and was encouraged to see the current owner steadily working to restore its faded glory. More than one hundred annual cycles of frozen winds and baking sun have taken their toll… but...
Simple Faith Devo: I’m Thankful You’re Weird

Simple Faith Devo: I’m Thankful You’re Weird

My wife, Marilyn, and I are very different in many ways. One of the most obvious is her incredible knack for planning every moment of every day… weeks in advance—while I, on the other hand, am very spontaneous. My idea of adventure is to avoid any plan and shoot from...