Aug 9, 2023 | Weekly Devo
My grandson is two years old and, as an energetic two-year-old, he’s learning to speak. Every day, he picks up new words and uses them in creative, and sometimes, hilarious ways. Funny, but the first word he learned was “no.” OK, it might be because...
Aug 1, 2023 | Weekly Devo
Growing up my family attended a local Baptist church. I have fond memories growing up there, specifically of a certain family, Larry and Dee. They had children close to the same ages as my sister and I; Lynette, Brett and Brian, and Dee worked with my mother. We were...
Jul 25, 2023 | Weekly Devo
Recently as a family we were walking around a large store. I remember walking around a large store as a child – you have the sense of how very big the place is. You have no sense of bearings – where is the exit, where you’ve been or where you’re going, the ceiling is...
Jul 12, 2023 | Weekly Devo
It is hard to imagine sometimes, how on earth we can praise God when we are drowning in our circumstances. A few years ago, Casting Crowns had a song on the radio called “I Will Praise You in this Storm”. Being a music lover, I immediately liked the song....
Jul 5, 2023 | Weekly Devo
Last summer we sowed wildflower seeds across a large section of our back hillside. It is a rocky, sandstone area with lots of weeds and wild growth. We cultivated the area to ensure good seed contact with the soil, we kept the area moist, and it certainly got lots of...
Jun 28, 2023 | Weekly Devo
You never know what you might be carrying around with you. Recently I put on a pair of shorts that I hadn’t worn yet this season. I wore them around all afternoon. While I was fixing dinner, I felt something tickle the back of my leg, and I looked back, somewhat...
Jun 21, 2023 | Weekly Devo
I read this meme recently that shook me up a bit. It said, “You get 18 delicious summers with your children. This is one of them. Soak it in.” Wow. 18, huh? When you put a number on it like that, it does tend to give you some perspective. Who am I kidding? I already...
Jun 14, 2023 | Weekly Devo
When you have to keep breathing in a world where your father no longer breathes, when you’re one of the ones who has lost your dad, or sit with how someday you will, somedays, even breathing can hurt. It’s strange how you didn’t know until it’s too late: How much...
Jun 7, 2023 | Weekly Devo
For 26 years, I worked in dentistry as a dental assistant. It was a fulfilling career that served me well, and I considered myself (still do) a dental nerd. Though it was beginning to take a toll on me physically, I had developed arthritis, and more specifically in my...