Oct 3, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
Our Satellite TV provider recently updated the equipment in our home and the result has been overwhelming. Suddenly, we have more TV viewing options than we will ever, in our limited digital abilities, be able to evoke. The kind, young installer took a few minutes to...
Sep 27, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
Mom regularly hiked the hillsides of our 28 acre farm gathering wild flowers and herbs like Golden Rod and Wild Heather, anything with color value. She consistently prepared fresh cut bouquets for our kitchen table. On special occasions, like funerals and...
Sep 20, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
Older brothers become heroes and role models whether you want them to or not. It’s not a choice you make. You don’t wake up one morning and say, “Hey, my big brother is a cool guy, I’m gonna be just like him!” Nope. Like that funky, strange smelling corduroy coat,...
Sep 13, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
I come from a car family. There was always a hood up in our driveway and usually at least one pair of legs sticking out from under the car. My father and two older brothers, sadly gone now, were car crazy. My younger brother Steve and I do our best to continue the...
Sep 6, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
I suspect there are many things about High School in the 1950’s that isn’t all that different from high school today. Then, just as now, you got up way too early, drug a comb through your hair and boarded a rumbling school bus only to be dumped onto the high school...
Aug 30, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
The other day I pulled my old bicycle down from the rafters of the garage. Blowing the dust off, I discovered both tires were flat and the seat had some kind of funky fungal action going on. Two new inner tubes and a few adjustments later, I pedaled out of the garage...
Aug 23, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
I am privileged to have been raised in the wooded hills near the village of Sugar Grove—a quiet community nestled into the gentle slopes carved-out during the glacial age; which my granddaughters believe to have occurred somewhere around the time I entered Mrs....
Aug 16, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
On the back side of our property lies an abandoned gravel parking lot. Once, it’s tightly packed limestone gleamed white in the sun, but now after years of inactivity, the small stones have dissappeared like the hair on my head, leaving only large, craggily foundation...
Aug 9, 2015 | Blog Post, Weekly Devo
When I was a kid, vacations were something that rich people did. I remember succinctly the first time I heard the phrase “going on vacation”. My friend said, “I won’t be at the fort tomorrow—we’re going on vacation.” “Yea…a vacation?” I asked, “What the heck’s a...