Aching for Eternity

Aching for Eternity

Remember as a kid counting-down the days until your next big birthday? “I’m 5 ¾, only 2 ½ months until I’m in double-digits! Yeah, woohoo!” Or, “I can’t wait, I’m only 45 days away from being a teenager! Or, every parent’s dread, “only 6 months until I get my driver’s...
Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Ready or Not, Here I Come!

I didn’t grow up a P.K. (Preacher’s Kid), but I’ve got the wonderful and challenging task of raising one. “Church” to Zack is much more than a building we go to on Sunday mornings, or different services or events we attend throughout the week, or even the most...
Piling On

Piling On

By: Mitch Price One of the greatest privileges I have as the Lead Pastor of Life Church (and greatest responsibilities too I might add) is at times to be highly entangled in the lives of the church members. On a regular basis, I get to hear the good, the bad, and the...
Simple Faith: Hubcaps in Heaven

Simple Faith: Hubcaps in Heaven

My childhood happened long before personal computers—before cell phones and before satellite TV. Heck, it was the 1950’s; there were no satellites because there was no space program! Dwight Eisenhower was the president and Detroit’s ‘big three’ dominated the...
Simple Faith: All The Usual Suspects

Simple Faith: All The Usual Suspects

Like you, I enjoy a good movie. Casablanca, for instance, I deem a really good movie. You’ve probably seen it but allow me to remind you of its basic premise. Leading up to WWII, the African coastal town of Casablanca became a toxic cocktail of westernized Africans,...
Simple Faith: I Hope to Escape my Own Orbit…

Simple Faith: I Hope to Escape my Own Orbit…

As perhaps you already know, Juno, NASA’s space probe, has reached the outer orbit of Jupiter. Launched in 2011, NASA spokesmen report the Juno space probe is the most complex and difficult space project they’ve ever attempted. I’m not a space geek, but I am quietly...
Simple Faith: I Wore my PJ’s to the Drive-In

Simple Faith: I Wore my PJ’s to the Drive-In

This past week as I drove east on main street, I smiled to see a long line of family filled automobiles waiting patiently nose to tail along the right side of the roadway. There was a Jeep with its top off; inside were two youngsters that straddled the roll bar waving...