His huge hand on my shoulder, Doctor Kraker said, “Ronnie, I know this is a hassle. Your eyes are all but swelled shut and your hands completely covered, but the good news is this: when you grow up you’ll likely be immune to poison ivy.”
I’d just celebrated my tenth birthday and my face and hands were covered in poison ivy. I was so allergic that I’d gotten it while sledding down the snowy hills of our farm near North Berne in the middle of January. The good doctor had seen it before—others like me so allergic that a mere brush of a frozen vine could result in full blown poison ivy. Not only was I itchy and miserable but I was completely embarrassed to walk the halls at my grade school—plastered in white calamine lotion; mortified as my classmates stepped to the side as though fearing “The Revenge of the Zombie”.
The good news was the highly allergic reactions came with a hidden blessing: each infection acted like a vaccination—each outbreak helped build immunity against the toxicity of poison ivy. Thankfully, my doctor was right, and by the time I was in my thirties I could pull the stuff up bare handed with only the slightest reaction. Today, poison ivy isn’t even on my radar screen… but then, neither is sledding (though I do get itchy when I smell calamine lotion).
I’m told our individual bodies react to toxins in different ways for different reasons. But if our systems are normal, a reaction to a toxin is a very good thing. It alerts us to danger; it protects us from further exposure to elements that are not compatible with our unique physical makeup. Allergies cause our physical bodies to convulse against elements dangerous to our physical health.
There have been times in my life when I wish I were more allergic to wrong motives, prideful attitudes and selfish concern. If my sin caused a rash, perhaps I would more quickly avoid sinful thoughts and attitudes. How embarrassing would it be if the bright light of the Spirit were to shine on our motives for all to see as our sins like rats scampered for the dark corners?
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matthew 26:41
As believers we enjoy the incredible presence of the Holy Spirit who acts as a sensitivity meter in our hearts. The Bible reminds us that the Spirit of Christ within us does react to our wrongful thoughts and attitudes. Like a Spiritual Early Warning System, He makes us uncomfortable, irritates our conscience, if you will, giving us opportunity to re-think our position. I like to think of this process as an allergic reaction to sin. The closer we draw to the Christ, the more we allow His Spirit to have a voice within us, the more noticeable our sinful tendencies become.
“The flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit,
and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.
They are in conflict with each other,
so that you are not to do whatever you want.”
Galatians 5:17
Do you see what I’m talking about in that verse? When our flesh acts up, it causes the Spirit to react. As we learn to be sensitive to that inner conflict and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit we are spared the ongoing grief that comes from ignoring our sin symptoms.
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”
Ephesians 4:30
Lord, please help me to be more and more sensitive to your Spirit’s reaction in me when I am making poor choices. Help me avoid sin’s rash consequences as I honor you with my life. Amen.