The September sun ricocheted around the parking lot of hot rods with such vivid intensity I found it impossible to focus on the well-dressed business man asking questions about my ‘38 Ford.  Shielding my eyes, I squinted at him, thinking, “This guy might be our buyer! His diamond Rolex cost more than the 25 G’s I’m asking for the car!”

Marilyn and I worked side by side during the 80’s and 90’s in a little business we called Grubby’s Hot Rods. She took care of the business while I upholstered old cars.  Each year I’d purchase an antique car, tear it down to bare bones and reshape it into a hand-rubbed, leather-upholstered, V-8-powered hot rod. This annual project was vital to our operation for two reasons: number one—it served as a rolling platform to show off our work to prospective customers. And number two—when sold, it provided a good portion of our annual income.

The show at Pigeon Forge is the grand finale of the hot rod season and the perfect time to sell the car. If our season went as planned, we premiered a fresh car in May, snagged a write up in a car magazine, used the new hot rod to promote our business and then sold it in September.

His gold chains sparkled as he leaned through the driver’s door while I proudly demonstrated every detail. Suddenly a kid, barely old enough to drive, wedged himself between me and my buyer and drawled, “S’cuse me, sir? Duz this halve air conditionin?”  Not wanting to appear rude, I smiled and say, “Yeah… ice cold!”

“Uh huh!” he nodded, duly impressed. I returned my attention to Mr. Rolex, but the young man, now totally in violation of my personal space, persisted. “Sir? If I’s to pay yur price for this car, would I be able to test drive it furst?”

I felt a tingle on the back of my neck as I spun my gaze from Rolex-man to the young Texan. “What did you say?”

“I say-id, if I’s to pay yur price for this car, would I be able to test drive it b’fore I bought it? Wut I mean is, I love yur car, and I want to buy it, but I flew here and I’ll havta’ drive it back to Houston. Will it make the trip?”

“Uh huh,” I muttered, trying to process this sudden turn of events.

“I’ve called my momma and daddy and told them what I was doin’ and well, I wuz lucky cuz they were just a leavin’ on the family jet for the Carrabein’. They said they’d be happy to fly on up to Merrillville and bring me the cash. Sos, I’m just wonderin’, if I could take it fur a test spin furst?”

I managed another stunned, “Uh, huh!” as he scrambled around the car into the passenger seat. “Y’all better drive it til we get outta this crowd and then if you’all don’t mind, I’ll just take it from thar.”

Haven’t we all had times when what looked right wasn’t, and what didn’t look right was? I completely misjudged my buyer—but, man!—I’m grateful the young Texan hung in there with me. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I just couldn’t see what I was lookin’ at. Sun in my eyes an’ all… donchaknow?

I’ll bet you’ve had times in your life when God tried to get your attention while you were looking the other way. Aren’t you glad Jesus hung in there for you?

Jesus, I’m so sorry for the times I’ve looked right past you, failing to see you there—standing beside me all the while. You’re always welcome in my personal space. Give me clear vision to see you in my circumstances, ears to hear you when you speak, and the common sense to know it’s YOU. Amen.

Day One: Read Isaiah 30:21

In this verse Isaiah is prophesying what it will be like when all believers have the Holy Spirit.

  1. Do you think this verse is speaking of your physical ears? If not, what then?
  2. Can you recall a time when you believe God nudged you in a particular direction?
  3. What are some ways the Spirit of God speaks to you?
  4. Have you ever asked God to speak to you? What happened?


Day Two: Read Joshua 1:7

  1. What causes our spiritual strength to be measured?
  2. What does strength have to do with courage, aren’t they the same?
  3. According to this verse; what is necessary to be successful?
  4. What does it mean to “not turn…to the right or to the left”?


Day Three: Read Hebrews 4:7

  1. Do you believe God will speak to you each day? Why or why not?
  2. Do you believe that God has ever hit the reset button on your relationship?
  3. What in this verse shows God’s patience?
  4. What are you hearing from God just now? Will you listen or be stubborn?


Day Four: Read Revelation 2:7

  1. Do you believe everyone has spiritual ears?
  2. According to this verse, what should those with ears do?
  3. To who or what specifically is the Spirit of God speaking?
  4. What does this say to you about the importance of the church?


Day Five: Read Romans 8:16

“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”

Prayer: Lord, I invite your Holy Spirit to speak to my humble spirit. I believe I am one of your children and so I will obey your Scripture and listen for your voice. Amen.