“Hey, Ron,” my friend asked, “do you know what a Sunbeam Alpine looks like?”
Did I ever! My love for cars has been the tail that wags the dog during many seasons of my life. When Marilyn and I simplified, sold our house and downsized, I made a spiritual and financial decision to take a sabbatical from collecting cars. Now, our new lifestyle had worked out so well that she and I both agreed it may be time for another hobby/car project.
I had been studying the collector car market and rekindling an old romance with British sports cars as I looked for a niche that was affordable (read: cheap) yet exciting. These tiny two-seaters first appealed to WW II GI’s stationed in Europe. Returning soldiers shipped the sporty cars home, influencing the sale of thousands more from American dealerships in the 50’s and 60’s. Even today, they provide open air fun, simplicity and certain flair—and, compared to the price of American muscle cars, they provide a lot of bang for the buck.
“Why? You know of one for sale?” I responded. “Well, yeah…” he said with a wry smile. “I have a 1967 Alpine that’s been covered up in my barn for at least ten years or more. I only drove it a couple times and parked it.”
In the collector car world, the holy grail of discovery is a Barn Find—a car that’s been squirreled away and forgotten for years, even decades. Even a novice collector knows that a collector car sitting out in plain sight is either not for sale or it’s priced ridiculously beyond the actual value—otherwise, it wouldn’t still be sitting there! So when my friend described a car in which I already had an interest, as having been “covered up in his barn for decades”…well, it was difficult to hide my excitement!
“If you’re interested,” he said, “come on over later this spring. We can uncover it and you can take a look-see.” Yeah, right—I’ll wait until spring in in a pig’s eye! I twisted his arm until he reluctantly agreed to let me follow him home. He left well before me but somehow I arrived at his farm several minutes before he did… I can’t explain how, except that perhaps the space-time-continuum tractor-beamed my car directly to the site of the Barn Find!
We both tugged on the huge sliding door—its flaking paint only improved our grip. Just enough light oozed through the weathered siding to provide safe passage past the dusty manger troughs and onto a second set of time resistant doors. There, in that inner chamber; the stale light revealed a large vinyl tarp shaped vaguely like a Sunbeam. This experience is to a car collector what stumbling onto elusive prey is to a big game hunter.
Pulling back the crackling tarp unveiled exactly what I’d hoped for. I bought it on the spot, a decision so impulsive it shocked not only my friend but me, and I’m embarrassed to admit displeased Marilyn. It wasn’t the money, it was simply that I hadn’t discussed it with her. She has since coalesced and graciously agreed to consider it my birthday present…for my NEXT 63 birthdays!
Lord, thank You for the surprises in our lives that bring us excitement and pleasure! Thank You that You don’t live in a church building; but in fact, You were born in a stable, inviting us to discover the greatest Barn Find in You.
Day One: read Matthew 13:45-46
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. (46) When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
- If Jesus plays the role of the merchant in this parable, which part are you?
- What price did Jesus pay for the pearl?
- What is your value to God according to this passage?
- Who has the active role in this passage – the merchant or the pearl? How does it feel to know that God actively looks for you, finds you, and gives everything He has for you?
Day Two: read Philippians 3:7-8
“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. (8) What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
- Ask yourself; “What do I hold onto that I’m willing to trade for the sake of Christ?
- In what way are you like a Barn Find, tucked away out of sight?
- Describe a time when something you just had to have proved to be a disappointment.
- Consider for a moment how valuable your relationship with Christ has been.
Day Three: read 1 Corinthians 2:7 & 10
“We speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time — (10) “but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
- God’s wisdom was kept hidden, but is destined to be revealed for whose benefit?
- Discuss the nature of God that would cause Him to hide something only to uncover it later.
- How does God reveal His wisdom?
- What things are revealed by the Holy Spirit?
Day Four: read Psalm 37:4
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
- When you think of the word “delight” what do you think of?
- How long has it been since you’ve taken delight in the Lord?
- According to the Psalmist, what may we expect when do delight in the Lord?
- What are some desires of a heart that finds delight in the Lord?
Lord, I am so grateful that You revealed Yourself to me. Thank You for Your Son, for the Cross and for the Holy Spirit that reveals what would otherwise be Barn Find mysteries left undiscovered in my life. Amen