Life Church supports the Tour de Cause, a bicycle tour of the covered bridges of Fairfield County benefiting The Recovery Center of Fairfield County.

Please let us know if you’d like to help, or email your contact into to You can also register to ride in the Tour de Cause and make a donation online at!

Volunteers will be provided a Tour de Cause t-shirt to be worn while on duty.

Tour de Cause

Rest Stop Volunteers

A team consists of 1 captain and 2-3 assistants.

  • Captain picks up supplies from OU-L the morning of the ride.
  • The team sets up the rest stop which may include a tent, tables and chairs.  Water and drinks are iced down and the food is made available for the riders.  This may involve cutting fruit and making sandwiches.
  • The captain is responsible for calling for additional supplies.  Calls will also be made to report riders in distress or with mechanical problems.  A SAG team will be dispatched to repair bikes or transport riders back to OU-L.  The volunteer coordinator will call the captain throughout the day to assess needs and communicate changes that may occur.
  • When the Rest Stop closes, the team will tear down the site and all remaining supplies are to be returned to OU-L, including all trash and recyclables.  The rest stop site should be left in good condition.  Teams are invited to join the festivities at OU-L.


3-4 runners stationed at OU-L the day of the ride.

  • Runners deliver additional supplies (usually water and ice) to rest stops as needed.  We may also have riders who cannot finish their ride and need a ride back to OU-L.  These volunteers will be using their own vehicle and it is a feast or famine job.  The volunteers may be sitting around for a while until calls come in for supplies or assistance and last year, the calls seemed to come in bunches.

OU-L Site Volunteers

We may have a need for a few volunteers to help man the breakfast and lunch lines at OU-L.  This may also include policing the site throughout the day to make sure trash is picked up.  Site volunteers may also be used to direct riders to the start of their route, the registration tent, or the lunch line.