Urgent Need for Supplies

Life Church Can Help Tornado-Stricken Area

tornadoAbout 350 people were killed last week by tornadoes and flooding in the southern United States. More than 230 people died in Alabama alone, and countless homes were destroyed.

Our friends at Victory Hill have heard from their contacts in Alabama that there is a desperate need for the following items:

  • Socks (men’s, women’s and children’s sizes, any color)
  • Underwear (men’s, women’s and children’s sizes)
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries (all sizes)
  • Over-the-counter pain medication

Can you donate any of these items? If so, please bring them to Life Church on Saturday, May 7. This is the only collection date! Our contributions will be taken to Victory Hill then delivered directly to the people who need them most.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,
Ron & Marilyn