My ears perked when I began to hear comments like, “When that young man speaks, you get a sense that he’s special,” and, “He doesn’t speak often but when he does, its powerful!”

These comments came from people who attended a small group with Jeremy and Melissa Edwards.  As we searched for help with the music ministry here at Life, someone casually mentioned, “Have you ever heard Melissa Edwards sing and play the keyboard?” We were amazed to learn she had been personally mentored by Mark Condon, one of the most dynamic praise leaders in central Ohio. She confessed that recently the Holy Spirit had been urging her back into music ministry.

Soon Melissa began using her incredible gifts to lead us in worship here at Life.  Jeremy hung around after the message to offer encouragement and share what I recognized as Spirit-led thoughts.

I flashed back several years and recalled meeting Jeremy the first time, when he came to discuss his frustrations about entering ministry full time. Still confident he was called to be a pastor, he told me about several “false starts” that convinced them to reassign their energies to running the family pool construction business and raising their family in Logan.

At Jason’s urging, I prayed earnestly on their behalf and determined the only thing that was holding them back from effective church ministry was a safe spiritual covering and encouragement from someone like our Life Church Leadership Team.  Jason and I as well as our entire Leadership Team agreed that Jeremy “ought to be doin’ church!” Jeremy came to me shortly after that and asked if I’d consider mentoring him in ministry. It was a no brainer: of course!

We met every Monday morning. After only a few months I spoke to Jeremy about planting a church in the Logan area. It just seemed right. Jeremy confirmed he had sensed this long ago and was simply waiting for things to come together.

This was the beginning of what is now called Simply Serving Christ Ministries. On Saturday, June 16th at 7:00 PM, Jeremy, Melissa and a powerful group of godly people will call on the Lord to bless and anoint this new work. I can’t wait to be a part of that initial gathering!

Simply Serving Christ Ministries has have linked arms with us and with the Soma Family of Churches. They have secured a meeting location at the Steel Workers Union Hall on the south end of Logan, obtained sound equipment and a keyboard for Melissa, established the necessary checking account and legal paperwork, and are gathering prayer partners to usher in this important new work in Logan. Jeremy and Melissa’s godly parents are praying for and encouraging their efforts as well.

You might wonder, “So… just like that, you can start a church?” Well, it’s not the organization or the details that birth a new church, it is the unmistakable call and obvious anointing of the Holy Spirit on individuals like the Edwards that confirms the Lord’s blessing on a new congregation. When the Lord brings together this many meaningful elements, His work will be established. Aren’t you grateful that Life Church has been allowed into the delivery room of this newly birthed ministry?

Please pray for and support Jeremy and Melissa Edwards and Simply Serving Christ Ministries.

Be Blessed,



Simply Service Christ Ministries

Saturdays at 6 PM starting June 16

956 East Front Street

Logan, OH 43138

(740) 380-0346