
Growing up in a family consisting of four active boys and two working parents, daily chores were as much a part of our routine as eating and sleeping. Our mother lived by the motto “cleanliness is next to godliness” and unless we wanted to meet God sooner than later, we’d better pitch in. But mom was not an easy act to follow when it came to chores. Barely five feet tall and quick as a cat, she approached cleaning like a Tasmanian devil high on ammonia fumes.

Mom threw herself into whatever she did. My grandpa used to say of her work ethic, “It’s all butts and elbows” (a euphemism of an energetic worker scrubbing floors on hands and knees). She taught us well to place more than merely our backs into a chore—but our hearts as well.
I haven’t always been true to my upbringing in that regard. I’ve had jobs in which I’ve not fully applied myself, and believe me, it showed. But for the most part, mom’s nature and nurture continues to propel me fully into whatever I do. I can still hear her exhort, “If you approach a chore as a willing volunteer, you’ll never begrudge the work.”
Recently Marilyn and I, along with others from our church’s Wednesday Lunch Group (senior citizens mostly—or as we prefer, people who look much younger than our age), volunteered to serve at the Maple Street United Methodist’s Free Store.
As a couple in “professional ministry”, Marilyn and I recognize the appropriateness of volunteering beyond the realm of our professional responsibilities.
At first I was apprehensive—uncertain of how I would fit into the flow of this important benevolent endeavor. After all, I’m accustomed to being in charge! But my fears were quickly allayed when I witnessed the obvious commitment of the many good people who had placed not only their backs into this important work but their hearts as well.
Before arriving, I imaged a few folding tables loosely stacked with scruffy cast-offs lost in the immensity of a typical church basement—a yard sale moved indoors, if you will. But what I discovered was incredible! The volunteers of Maple Street UMC had selflessly dedicated their entire lower floor to this endeavor. Rack after hanging rack bowed under the weight of carefully selected and sized clothing with recognizable brand names in like new condition. Every nook and cranny displaying household and kitchen related items—all available free…limited only by reasonable but generous restrictions.
Not only do they provide free clothing & household goods, they provide a free lunch! But the aspect that touches and empowers me as a part-time volunteer is the heart by which this incredible ministry operates. Those who shoulder the lion’s share of work also care the most. They know their returning guests by name, praying for their needs and providing whatever assistance possible.
But the most impressive aspect of the Free Store is greater than the free food and clothing, it’s the fact that it’s done FREELY. The Free Store is a beautiful thing, but its beauty isn’t found in the hard work of those who provide these services or the generosity of the many who donate clothing, household goods and food; its beauty is in the hearts of the volunteers—godly people who give their efforts and their hearts to humbly serve.
If my mom were living she’d be all ‘butts and elbows’ over this ministry…I just know she would.
I know another person who simply couldn’t stay away from the Free Store if he were living in Lancaster. When he walked this planet, he lovingly reminded his followers (and by association all of us who follow him today), “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)
I’m willing to guess if you wanted to find Jesus on Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings, the first place I recommend you look is the basement of the Maple Street UMC. Tell him I sent ya’!