Photo by Ron Grubb
Last week I pulled back the curtain of our family history to reveal a tiny table and chairs purchased for our toddling sons in the 1970’s. If you read that column you know that five years ago, Marilyn and I left a diminutive dinette behind for the youngsters of the family who purchased our home.
But then, as I mentioned in last week’s article, when I saw the tiny table and chairs relegated to the curb for trash pickup, I was caught off guard emotionally. Awash in a wave of nostalgia, I shared its pending doom with you good readers and described how a texted photo of the table and chairs resulted in an ‘electronic family hug’. I anticipated my family’s response but I didn’t expect yours! Those of us who write newspaper columns only hope someone is reading…someone is interested. The only way we can know is if you respond.
Well, you responded! The story of “the little table that could” obviously resonated with a number of you faithful readers fostering an immediate response. Your welcomed emails came quickly. Many expressed concern that the table and chairs not be lost to the landfill. Others were hopeful the little dinette might be given a third, and perhaps even a fourth, chance at life. And all confirmed how a simple story can touch our hearts and remind us of the importance of those we love.
With a tip of the proverbial hat to the late Paul Harvey, I’m pleased to tell you “the rest of the story”.
Later, the same morning I snapped the photo, I received a call from Marilyn. Her voice beamed a smile, “Ron, guess what! Gina (a friend who occasionally cleans for us) came today and as soon as she stepped through the door said, ‘I’m already having a great day…I found the cutest little table and chairs that were being thrown away and well…I snatched them up for my grandchildren…they will love it!’”
“Isn’t that wonderful!” Marilyn effused, “Life does go on!”
It is wonderful how life goes on. I believe there is a force that comes into play that is easily overlooked, an overarching theme in life that is undeniable.
I’m speaking of the redemptive love of God. When the passing of time and the gravity of life batters our durability and we’re about to accede to the inevitability of decay, we discover God has a different end game. Everything I read in the Bible reminds me that God is all about redemption.
I believe the story of the little table has a moral. Just when we believe it’s seen its last four-year-old birthday celebration, God sends a Gina along and restores our faith in redemption.
Romans 3:24 says “God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ.”
Regarding the table and chairs, I’m happy to report the good news: it’s been restored to yet another young family. In the same way, I’m happy to report the Good News of Jesus Christ.
God’s end game is simple. He is searching the earth looking for cast-off people to redeem and repurpose.
Read Ron’s column, Simple Faith, each Saturday on the Faith Page (page 3) of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, or visit www.lancastereaglegazette.com.