I’ve been involved in restoring old cars most of my life. I even managed to make a living at it for a couple decades. Never made a dime but I had a great time!
Hey, maybe I should have that engraved on my tombstone—‘He never made a dime but he had a great time’. I’d smile if I saw that on someone’s marker, wouldn’t you?
devoOur auto restoration business began slowly at first. Each year we’d scrimp together a few dollars, often relying on bank financing to build the earliest project cars. Each finished project became our traveling showroom, selling our skills to others—particularly upholstery. Then as each season wound to a close, we’d sell that project and begin another. Soon one customer led to many and a hobby became a vocation. As it grew, our reputation began to attract shop visitors.
I loved the work but the constant stream of visitors made it difficult to focus on the exacting details required for quality restoration. I did enjoy sharing the excitement of the craft with each visitor but I often whined about the lack of financial profit; we seemed to make only enough to do it again the next week…for two decades. Seriously! Our accountant looked up from our books each tax season and asked, “Tell me again why you’re doing this?”
I learned my craft because I couldn’t afford to hire others to do the work. I’ve always considered myself a poor boy, a knuckle buster, not able to afford custom work. But what seemed to be a curse became my blessing; it forced me to develop the skills needed to build a hot rod, and soon, I was building them for others. As our reputation grew people of independent means, people who could easily afford anything they desired, became frequent customers.
I love the old cars and I love the people who love them. As these folks walked our showroom and work areas, the conversation inevitably circled around memories of cars they had loved and lost. Each day I’d hear, “I used to have a 40’ Ford just like this one!” And then, like a kid at Christmas they’d spin around and say, “Oooooh…a 64’ GTO! My buddy in high school had one of these!”
I can’t tell you how many times I heard different takes on the same story. “If I only knew what I know now, I’d ‘a never sold my old Corvette! I tried to convince my wife we could pack the twins between us, but NO…she had to have a minivan! Geez, if I only had that car today!” I’d patiently listen as they lamented over their wives insensitivity to their primal need for speed. I once overheard Marilyn tell a visitor’s wife, “He’s kinda a therapist for men like your husband.” Looking back I realize it helped prepare me for ministry.
Today TV programs like ‘Overhauled’ and ‘Chasing Classic Cars’ provide this much needed therapeutic relief.
But it was from among the wealthiest clients, those most empowered to purchase their dreams, I’d hear the most surprising lament. More than one highly regarded professional confided in me, “If I could do anything I wanted, I’d do what you’re doing.” “Wait, what?” I’d ask. They’d continue, “Don’t get me wrong. I like what I do…I’m good at what I do. But, it would make me happy to walk out of my house every morning and into a quiet shop to work on old cars…to work with my hands everyday like you’re doing.”
Huh…maybe that’s what I should have carved on my gravestone, ‘The poor boy who did what wealthy people wished they could do.’
In the final analysis, it’s difficult to know what truly makes us happy, to know what will provide our deepest sense of satisfaction.
The Apostle Paul, arguably the most intuitive spokesmen for Jesus, seems to have discovered the secret to real happiness. He writes; “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13.
Dear readers, never underestimate the importance of our faith in our Lord. Happiness is found from within…with Him. Be blessed, RG

Read Ron’s column, Simple Faith, each Saturday on the Faith Page (page 3) of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, or visit www.lancastereaglegazette.com.