My grandparents lived out their lives in the shadow of Anchor Hocking’s Plant One on Garfield Avenue. Interestingly, neither worked at Anchor and so how they came to live in the midst of Lancaster’s version of an Industrial Revolution neighborhood is an incredible story of God’s providential care—a story that continues to remind us God is often found in the most unexpected circumstances. In this case, God advertised in the Eagle Gazette.

It was a tiny ad that simply read. “Need live-in caregiver.”

carAn elderly widower with no heirs was looking for a live-in housekeeper and caregiver. His proposition was simple: “If you’ll move in with me, cook and clean and care for me and my house until my passing, you’ll inherit all my belongings.” My grandparents were people of humble means (actually, no means) and Mr. Baker’s proposition was an offer they couldn’t refuse.

The ad proved to be an answer to Mr. Baker’s and my grandparent’s prayers. Although his declining health caused him to be very demanding at times, both parties remained true to the original agreement and by the early 1960’s my grandparents became the owner of a well-cared for duplex. Mr. Baker wasn’t a wealthy man, but he did own his home, its contents and a super-low mileage Studebaker Starlight Coupe purchased new in 1950, the same year he retired as a furnace operator from Anchor Hocking.

The Studebaker was one of the first cars I learned to drive. On a recent exploration of my parent’s home place on Lake Road, I discovered its rusted carcass still resting in the field behind the barn. (I apologize for this self-indulgent reflection not vital to the story, but I couldn’t resist mentioning it here. That simple discovery was incredibly nostalgic for me. I immediately sought permission from the current land owner to remove its classic, bullet-nose chrome piece as a keepsake.)

OK, now back to the real story…

Grandma and Grandpa Hart proved to be a perfect fit for this situation. Grandpa had previously worked as an itinerant farmer, a railroad worker, and a carpenter during his robust years. Grandma had supplemented their income as a domestic, a commercial cook and laundry lady. They were exactly what Mr. Baker had been hoping for.

At the time my grandparents entered into this agreement with Mr. Baker, they were already in their early 70’s and Social Security was their only source of income. By the grace of God and Mr. Baker they found themselves in an all-expenses-paid agreement which provided for them the remainder of their years together. It was not only a comfortable retirement home, but a deserved evidence of their hard work… and the grace of God.

There’s a powerful passage in the Old Testament book of Isaiah; chapter 55. I would encourage you to read the entire chapter; you’ll find it has several often quoted passages contained within this one chapter. But as we consider my grandparent’s story, verse 6 stands out—

“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6

Knowing when the Lord is near can be confusing if you believe He only comes accompanied by an entourage and fanfare. I find, just as my grandparent’s did, that God most often shows up in the small details of our everyday lives. But it does require us to be attentive to the details and give Him credit for each blessing He brings our way.

My grandparents never failed to marvel how the grace of God (and the Eagle Gazette) led them to Mr. Baker.


Read Ron’s column, Simple Faith, each Saturday on the Faith Page (page 3) of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, or visit