Maybe the high regard I have for my late father has become aggrandized by nostalgia’s haze when I say with fond conviction, “I was blessed with a wonderful earthly father.” Dad was simply easy to admire.

carI’m not here to debate the art of parenting, I’m merely reflecting back on my experience with my dad. Dad, unlike today’s attentive father-model, didn’t prioritize his time around us but rather prioritized his time on our behalf.  He never hovered over us or fussed with us about our inadequacies, but rather struck out on a clear path of purpose while exercising a sterling character that remains my model today. Unlike today, he felt no compunction to attend our sporting events or applaud our extra-curricular activities with a decal on his back window. He perceived his role as a quiet servant to his family, whose primary responsibility was to lead by example. He seemed to enjoy his sacrificial life style—never wanting for anything other than the tools necessary to maintain our mini farm. He handled frustration with patience and a kind-hearted resolve that grew out of his philosophy that the world didn’t exist for his good pleasure but for a greater good.

Perhaps that’s why I can read passages like Isaiah 55:8, and I think I get it… “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.”

Since childhood I’ve firmly believed God is completely in charge, even when things are going wrong. I’m not smart enough to defend that position but I’m stubborn enough to believe it.

I remember sitting in the back seat with my three brothers, punching and elbowing one another, while dad piloted the family Mercury to our next destination. We never challenged his steerage. We didn’t think to check with him to make certain he knew where he was taking us or most days, even why we were going. There is something incredibly freeing about that kind of trust in our father.

As a bible student and avid follower of Jesus, I’m continually upgrading my perspective on this life. Perhaps it’s more related to aging than emotional growth, but nevertheless I’m discovering new plateaus of understanding which I hope might ring true in your minds and hearts.

The bible tells us God is large and in charge and if I accept that fact, it helps me understand that even when life isn’t going according to my plan, it is still going according to His plan. That doesn’t mean I’m always happy about it, but it does mean I can have the confidence that it isn’t out of control. But rather, someone whose ways are higher than my ways and whose thoughts are higher than my thoughts still has his hand on this planet’s steering wheel.

Another of God’s promises is recorded in Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 11. God Himself speaking here assures us, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I hope you can receive these words as encouraging promises, even in the midst of your most frustrating or frightening experiences. Trust you Heavenly Father. Besides, I wouldn’t want him to threaten like my dad, “Don’t make me stop this car….!”



Read Ron’s column, Simple Faith, each Saturday on the Faith Page (page 3) of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, or visit