Whenever I see a dead car along the road, I can’t help but expel an empathetic sigh as I vicariously recall the many times I found myself in that situation as a younger man.
Like my dad before me, I’ve driven high maintenance vehicles most of my life. But I credit those light and momentary troubles as a major contributor to my DIY skills. I had to learn to repair whatever I drove. As a young husband, I aspired to keep Marilyn in a dependable car while opting for less dependable personal transportation. Honestly? I still enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I’m able to do my own repairs.
As I was driving South toward Zanesville this past week with my son, Jason, we noticed a well used (read that “ragged out”) car sitting empty along the road. Its driver, nowhere present, had obviously resorted to alternative transportation. Its cardboard license plate identified it as a recent purchase. Seeing the temporary tag, I reminded Jason that when he was a preschooler he perceptively asked, “Daddy, why do all the cars parked along the highway have paper license plates?”
Like an animal lover grimaces at the sight of fresh road kill, I grieved at the sight of the abandoned vehicle. My eye followed its oil trail and I imagined its final gasp for life. Unwittingly, I worried as though it was my car —“How’s he going to get that thing home? I wonder if he will work on it there along the road.” Maintaining a solid 55 mph (or so…) the abandoned car faded quickly in the rear view mirror along with my anxiety.
Later that day, we finished our business in Zanesville and headed home. As we rounded the broad sweeping curve that opened to the long straightaway where we’d seen the crippled car earlier, I commented, “Yep, it’s still there.” As we whisked by, Jason laughed out loud, “Dad, did you see what was written on the windshield?”
Like many cars fresh from the used car lot, its windshield was covered with enticing descriptors. “I saw it was priced at $2,500” I said, “but I missed the other stuff.”
Jason continued, “It said, ‘EXCELLENT CAR, VERY DEPENDABLE’ with three exclamation points!!!”
We both laughed at the irony as we drove back to my shop where we were knee deep in a major rebuild of his diesel pickup. I just hoped we could print “VERY DEPENDABLE” on its windshield when we were done!
I can’t imagine a greater gift for Father’s Day than to work side by side with my sons on their vehicles. They always thank me profusely for allowing them to clutter my work shop with their projects, convinced I’m doing them a huge favor—but honestly, it’s the other way around. I love it! Besides, it’s a proven way to ensure Marilyn’s blessing on my next purchase of that “special tool we just had to have.”
When I work with my sons on their vehicles, however, I can’t assure them the work will prove dependable. I can’t promise anything I do will be dependable. After all, I’m only human.
But thankfully, I can teach my sons about our Heavenly Father who will always prove dependable! Scripture promises that when we, His spiritual sons and daughters, work with Him, He is completely dependable.
“The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!”
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Happy Father’s Day!
Read Ron’s column, Simple Faith, each Saturday on the Faith Page (page 3) of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, or visit www.lancastereaglegazette.com.