08-23-2015 Lancaster School of Ministry Graduation & Ordination Ceremony

Ron Grubb ~ Lancaster School of Ministry Graduation & Ordination Ceremony


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Graduating Students:

Rick Ray

Daniel Webb Jr.

Ordination Candidates:

Mitch Price

Lara Price

John Altop

LSM Graduation Ceremony

LSM Graduation Ceremony

Listen as our LSM Grads share what God accomplished in their lives through this experience. [audio:http://www.lifechurchohio.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/2013-03-03-LSM-Graduation.mp3|titles=2013-03-03 LSM Graduation] Download Inaugural Graduating Class Welcome...
Lancaster School of Ministry

Lancaster School of Ministry

If you think Scriptural education and spiritual formation are out of reach, think again! The Lancaster School of Ministry offers an accredited  Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry that will teach you to apply God’s word in the sticky situations of everyday life;...
Lancaster School of Ministry

Lancaster School of Ministry

“Every believer is called to personal ministry right where they are. My wish is that every Christian would know how to study the Bible and minister with power into the lives of others.” Ron Grubb, Pastor and Teacher The goal of the Lancaster School of Ministry is to...
Lancaster School of Ministry

Lancaster School of Ministry

Please congratulate the following Students of the Lancaster School of Ministry, who have just completed their first quarter! Kelly Johnson Preston Johnson Amy Pennell Mitch Price John Altop Shawn Appleman Mike Morrison Jackie Hardman Cindy Argyle Connie Morgan...

Soma Summer Institute

The conference is at Pastor Mark Pfeifer’s church, Open Door Ministries, in Chillicothe on July 16th. It is an all-day event. Beginning at 10:00AM and closing with the Banquet from 4-5:30. There is an evening service following the banquet which is always...
Lancaster School of Ministry

Lancaster School of Ministry

Nine students have enrolled for the Lancaster School of Ministry! Please pray for John Altop, Shawn Appleman, Mike Morrison, Cindy Argyle, Jonathan Hinkle,  Mitch Price, Amy Pennell, and Preston & Kelly Johnson as they begin this exciting adventure. It’s not too...
Know What the Preacher Knows

Know What the Preacher Knows

I had the wonderful good fortune to be raised in a godly family. I’ve attended good churches all my life. I’m not sure, but I think Moses and I attended the same Vacation Bible School as kids. I have been powerfully influenced by godly pastors and looked up to them as...