If you’ve decided that adding exercise to your daily activities is one of your Next Best Steps toward physical wellness, here’s a free program to help. The Couch to 5K (C25K) running program will move you from a sedentary lifestyle on the sofa to the ability to run for 30 minutes.

Download the free C25K training program by clicking  here. This program is provided by Inspiring Soles to Run, a ministry of Michelle Edwards and Metamorphosis Wellness Coaching.

A previous group of Inspiring Soles to Run runners celebrates together.

You begin with a 5-minute walk, 2-minute run and a 5-minute walk. Gradually, at your own pace and over a period of 10 weeks, the running time is increased to a 30-minute block that is typically long enough to complete  5 kilometers (3.1 miles). Granted, that first run may be the longest 120-seconds of your week, but your feelings of exhilaration and accomplishment will far outweigh any discomfort.

You can also use the C25K program as a walking guide by increasing your pace for the running intervals.

You can walk or run on your own at any time in any place, or you’re welcome to join others for scheduled group runs in the mornings and evenings. Click here to join the private Facebook group for Life Church runners, where you can share tips, encouragement and meet up with other runners.

At the end of the 10 weeks, we will celebrate with the first “Run for Your Life” 5K to be held on the new Life Path at Life Church. Invite your friends and family to walk or run with you and cheer you on as you take your Next Best Step across the finish line!