8-4-2013 Spiritual Wellness, Part 2

Ron Grub ~ Spiritual Wellness, Part 2 Explaining the Easy Yoke [audio:http://www.lifechurchohio.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/2013-08-04-Spiritual-Wellness-Part-2.mp3|titles=2013-08-04 Spiritual Wellness – Part 2] Download Weekly Devo Sermon Notes Life...
10-14-2012 Life Story

10-14-2012 Life Story

Jim and Bettie Lively share their “Life Story” October 14, 2012 Listen [audio:http://www.lifechurchohio.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2012-10-14-Life-Story-Jim-and-Bettie-Lively.mp3|titles=2012-10-14 Life Story Jim and Bettie Lively]...

Jenny’s “Life Story”

Jenny Sargent shares a touching and inspirational story about her Mom giving her life to Christ on Mother’s Day. Do you have a Life Story to share? Please contact us. Your testimony could be the encouragement someone desperately longs to hear!