2-15-2015 How to Avoid Judgement

Ron Grubb ~ How to Avoid Judgment

“Learn to pray for people, not prey on people. Love ’em all and let God sort it out!’


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Life Story

Becky Grubb and Christine Cordle ~ Workplace Ministry

“There is no greater power than to influence the lives of the people around you.” ~Ron Grubb

Listen as Becky and Christine discuss their ability to share the Gospel with the people around them every day.

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02-08-2015 How To Survive This World

02-08-2015 How To Survive This World

Ron Grubb ~ Identifying Which World is Which


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Suzy Grubb ~ The Lighthouse Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence

The Lighthouse offers a safe, supportive environment when the are involved in a domestic violence situation. They not only provide an emergency shelter that is available 24 hrs a day but they also provide counseling and support groups, victim advocacy and case management.

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02-01-2015 Are We Our Own Worst Enemy

02-01-2015 Are We Our Own Worst Enemy

Ron Grubb ~ Are you content with the content of your life?


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Pat Larabee and Connie McKinley ~ Maple Street United Methodist Church & Free Store

Maple Street United Methodist Church & Free Store provide free clothing and food. They are located at 438 E. Wheeling Street, Lancaster.

Volunteers are needed for sorting clothes and household items, check-in & check-out clerical services, and customer assistance. Hours vary throughout the week. If you would like more information on how you can get involved, please contact Barb Shaw (740) 808-7125 or Life Volunteers: Connie McKinley (513) 293-9568 and Pat Larabee (740) 654-8560

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01-25-2015 You Must Be Born Again

01-25-2015 You Must Be Born Again

Ron Grubb ~ You Must Be Born Again

Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant when He said, “You must be born again” (John 3:7)? Find out exactly what this means and what kind of people you’ll be associated with when you become a born again Christ-follower.


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!


Life Story

Cindy Argyle~ Foundation DinnersCapture

Foundation Dinners provide 3 meals a day for 365 days a year for those in need. Cindy’s Life Group volunteers to serve the Homeless by helping cook, wash dishes, serve food & clean-up. For more information please visit

You may also contact Gary Clum at (740) 653-3233 or Cindy Argyle at (740) 407-7171.

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01-18-2015 The Right Stuff

01-18-2015 The Right Stuff

Ron Grubb ~ 2 Corinthians 9


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Hal Harnden- Ramp Ministry

For more information on how you can get involved, Contact Hal at (419) 680-5719 or John Sadler at (614) 861-8620

For additional opportunities available through the Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities visit

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01-11-2015 Account-ability Part 11

01-11-2015 Account- ability Part 11

Ron Grubb ~ Adapting Christ’s Perspective Toward Other Sinners


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

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Click the date to hear the sermon!

September 2024

2-15-2015 How to Avoid Judgement

Ron Grubb ~ How to Avoid Judgment

“Learn to pray for people, not prey on people. Love ’em all and let God sort it out!’


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Becky Grubb and Christine Cordle ~ Workplace Ministry

“There is no greater power than to influence the lives of the people around you.” ~Ron Grubb

Listen as Becky and Christine discuss their ability to share the Gospel with the people around them every day.

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02-08-2015 How To Survive This World

02-08-2015 How To Survive This World

Ron Grubb ~ Identifying Which World is Which


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Suzy Grubb ~ The Lighthouse Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence

The Lighthouse offers a safe, supportive environment when the are involved in a domestic violence situation. They not only provide an emergency shelter that is available 24 hrs a day but they also provide counseling and support groups, victim advocacy and case management.

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02-01-2015 Are We Our Own Worst Enemy

02-01-2015 Are We Our Own Worst Enemy

Ron Grubb ~ Are you content with the content of your life?


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Pat Larabee and Connie McKinley ~ Maple Street United Methodist Church & Free Store

Maple Street United Methodist Church & Free Store provide free clothing and food. They are located at 438 E. Wheeling Street, Lancaster.

Volunteers are needed for sorting clothes and household items, check-in & check-out clerical services, and customer assistance. Hours vary throughout the week. If you would like more information on how you can get involved, please contact Barb Shaw (740) 808-7125 or Life Volunteers: Connie McKinley (513) 293-9568 and Pat Larabee (740) 654-8560

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01-25-2015 You Must Be Born Again

01-25-2015 You Must Be Born Again

Ron Grubb ~ You Must Be Born Again

Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant when He said, “You must be born again” (John 3:7)? Find out exactly what this means and what kind of people you’ll be associated with when you become a born again Christ-follower.


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!


Life Story

Cindy Argyle~ Foundation DinnersCapture

Foundation Dinners provide 3 meals a day for 365 days a year for those in need. Cindy’s Life Group volunteers to serve the Homeless by helping cook, wash dishes, serve food & clean-up. For more information please visit

You may also contact Gary Clum at (740) 653-3233 or Cindy Argyle at (740) 407-7171.

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01-18-2015 The Right Stuff

01-18-2015 The Right Stuff

Ron Grubb ~ 2 Corinthians 9


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

Life Story

Hal Harnden- Ramp Ministry

For more information on how you can get involved, Contact Hal at (419) 680-5719 or John Sadler at (614) 861-8620

For additional opportunities available through the Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities visit

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01-11-2015 Account-ability Part 11

01-11-2015 Account- ability Part 11

Ron Grubb ~ Adapting Christ’s Perspective Toward Other Sinners


Click here to subscribe to the Life Church podcast on iTunes!

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Click the date to hear the sermon!

September 2024