Parents, check out the May issue of ParentLink! We mail this newsletter to our parents of Life Kids up through 5th Grade each month. Please contact us with your mailing address if you have not received it in the past, and we’ll add you to the mailing list. Here’s a sample article–

A Fresh Perspective On Discipleship

Ever think that if you hear yourself say, “No!” or “Don’t!” one more time, your nerves might truly fry? The truth is, every parent, grandparent, guardian, teacher, and coach faces that same frustration at some point. If you sense your attempts at positive discipline aren’t working or you just need to ramp up your discipline approach, try this perspective makeover.

Rather than focusing on the verbal “do’s” and “don’ts” inherent in discipline, focus on the greater impact you’ll have in modeling the kind of behavior you’d like to see from your kids. Think of how Jesus instructed his disciples. Sometimes he gave verbal direction, but most importantly, he lived the way he wanted the disciples to live. He gave them compelling examples to follow, and he willingly talked them through why he was doing what he was. Examine the nonverbal messages you send your kids about their behavior choices, and ask yourself whether those messages line up with your words. Aligning the two will make a big difference.

The Disciple in Discipline

“The words discipline and discipleship both come from the Latin word discere meaning ‘to learn.’ When you provide calm, intentional discipline you create a space where kids can dive into learning. But even better, you model God’s patient love and disciple children to know, love, and follow Jesus.”