Like house numbers on your street, chapter and verse numbers found throughout the Bible help us to quickly locate the most remote portion of Scripture and pinpoint important statements that help us more effectively navigate our everyday-lives.
These numbers were not put there by the original authors, but were placed there by well meaning Bible-translators centuries after the original writings. They act as road markers for the reader. This numeric device has proven to be a simple but profound addition to an already profound book.
This past Saturday at Life, we navigated over to a remote Old Testament verse that has profound implications for our everyday-Life.
“He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
It is a remarkable thing to consider that God is a good God and He shows us what is good. I believe we inherently know what is good. We muddle the issue with debate and feigned confusion, but at our core we are endowed with the image of God who confirms in us what is right and what is wrong. (Romans 1:18)
Many times, I ignore what I know is right in order to do what I want to do, only to later regret my actions. Right and wrong is a matter of godly perspective and I believe those who follow Jesus Christ are given His Spirit within. When we listen to and obey His Spirit we discover, “O man, what is good…” and what is good becomes clearer and clearer with every right action. (Romans 8:14)
Join us this Saturday evening to explore this verse further. We’ll learn what it means to “act justly.” I am very excited about the insights I have to share from this simple yet profound verse along with several true-Life stories that will inspire and touch you. I hope to see you Saturday at 6:00pm.