Life KidsUnit 2, Session 2: God Tested Abraham

Dear Parents,

This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to an event that occurred after Abraham and Sarah had their son of promise, Isaac. Abraham received another message from God. It was a test, actually. God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac, the son of promise, and sacrifice him on a mountain God would tell him about.

Abraham had waited so many years for this child! But what did Abraham do? He woke up early the next morning and set out with Isaac to do what God commanded. By this point, Abraham had supreme faith that God was able to do anything. Hebrews 11:17-19 gives us a peek inside Abraham’s mind: “He considered God to be able even to raise someone from the dead.”

Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. God provided a ram for the burnt offering in place of Isaac, who was spared. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him.


Family starting points

● What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.

● Abraham trusted God even when he didn’t understand God’s plan.
Check out the Gospel Project for Kids Family App  for Families for ways to interact with the Bible content each week.