Life Kids Update 11.15.15

Life Kids Update 11.15.15

Unit 3, Session 3: Joseph Sent to Egypt Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Today’s Bible story is about Joseph and his brothers. Jacob had 12 sons. They would become the leaders of the tribes of Israel. But Jacob’s...
Life Kids Update 11.8.15

Life Kids Update 11.8.15

Unit 3, Session 2: Jacob’s New Name Dear Parents, This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes place 20 years after Jacob ran away from Esau. Jacob had lived with his uncle Laban for many years, and God had kept His promise to bless Jacob with a...
Life Kids Update 11.15.15

Life Kids Update 10.26.15

Unit 3, Session 1: The Stolen Blessing   Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Last week, kids learned that God told Rebekah before her sons were born that the older would serve the younger. That wasn’t how families...
Life Kids Update 11.15.15

Life Kids Update 10.18.15

Unit 2, Session 2: God Tested Abraham Dear Parents, This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to an event that occurred after Abraham and Sarah had their son of promise, Isaac. Abraham received another message from God. It was a test, actually....
Life Kids Update 11.15.15

Life Kids Update 10.11.15

Unit 2, Session 1: God’s Covenant with Abraham Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Over the next few weeks, kids will learn that God is a covenant-making God. After the people spread out over all the earth when...

Life Kids Update 10.4.15

Unit 1, Session 6: The Tower of Babel Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Today’s Bible story is about the tower of Babel. Following the flood, God wanted to have a fresh start. God commanded Noah in Genesis 9:1 to “Be...
Parenting Christian Kids September 2014 Newsletter

Parenting Christian Kids September 2014 Newsletter

The September 2014 issue of “Parenting Christian Kids” is now available! It will arrive in mailboxes soon, and will also be available at Life Church. Here’s a sneak peek at an article written by Lancaster School of Ministry student Emily Cain about...
June Parenting Christian Kids Newsletter

June Parenting Christian Kids Newsletter

Parents, be on the lookout for the June issue of “Parenting Christian Kids” on its way to your mailbox! It’s chock full of fun things for your family to do in and around Fairfield County, plus articles on “Avoiding the Summer Slump” and...
January 2014 Parent Link Newsletter

January 2014 Parent Link Newsletter

The January Parent Link newsletter will be hitting your mailbox soon, and it’s also available to view online. Click here to download the January 2014 Parent Link newsletter. This month’s articles include: Online: Knowledge is Power Bridging the Digital...