I have been trying to make an effort to weekly follow-up with folks at Life Church – to make a connection and genuinely hear about how things are going for them.

I just got off the phone with a young father of two small boys.  I noticed he had been very faithfully coming to Life but without his wife. It seemed I always missed talking with him after the service so I called him this week.  He and his wife are “not together” and they share custody of the boys. His greatest concern is for his boys and their spiritual walk.

With a gentle & kind heart he asked that we continue to have children’s activities and encouraged us to consider a mid-week classes for their age group when it was comfortable for us to proceed.  He understands that we cannot do everything at once but just wanted to put his “bid” in for that kind of programming.  I told him it is our heart as well to continue adding ways that our children can grow in the Lord.  I offered Life’s services to him in any way we could help through this transition.

Lord, help me to remember to pray for these folks and always think the best knowing that life has a way of getting ahead of our plans and expectations.  Give them strength and courage and fortitude to continue faithfully serving you and leading their families in a Godly way.  Help us as leaders at Life to continue to make wise decisions. Amen.