I had the wonderful good fortune to be raised in a godly family. I’ve attended good churches all my life. I’m not sure, but I think Moses and I attended the same Vacation Bible School as kids.

I have been powerfully influenced by godly pastors and looked up to them as men and women with access to important spiritual knowledge. As a youngster embracing Jesus Christ as my Savior, I thought this meant I should “know what the preacher knows.” That simple desire proved to be life changing for me, and my wish became that every Christian would know how to study the Bible and minister with power into the lives of others.

Since then, that simple wish has expanded to include a school where all believers could receive accessible, affordable training in Bible and ministry. While not everyone is called to be a pastor, every believer should have the opportunity to know what the preacher knows and apply that knowledge at work, at school, at home and in our communities.

You now have this opportunity! We are very excited to announce that enrollment is now open for the inaugural class of the Lancaster School of Ministry. The School of Ministry is an accredited school that is “doable” for all believers:

  • Affordable tuition: about $25 a week
  • Realistic time commitment: one night a week for three hours
  • Open to all ages: from high school students to senior citizens

Graduates will receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute and Soma Regional Institute. The Bachelor degree is a two year commitment, and we are also pleased to offer enrollment to those who are interested in individual classes only. I love to teach the Word and am excited to lead this curriculum:

First Year Classes: Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, The Kingdom of God, Bible Covenants, Tabernacles and Temples, Biblical Theology, Spiritual Gifts, Church History

Second Year Classes: Leadership Ethics, Servant Leadership, Dominion Leadership, Cell Group Ministry, Church Administration, Bible Study Methods, Teaching and Preaching, Biblical Counseling

Every believer is called to minister where we’re planted; and the School of Ministry is designed to equip you for that challenge. The School of Ministry was established by Pastor Mark Pfeifer of Soma Family (of which Life Church is a member) and Open Door Ministries in Chillicothe and has rapidly grown to equip and inspire believers across the country. It is accredited by the Wagner Leadership Institute under the direction of Dr. C. Peter Wagner.

If you want to know more about the Bible and want to know what the preacher knows, you can –

  • Come to the Open House where you can and ask questions, view the curriculum, learn about payment options and talk to prior graduates of the School of Ministry.

Lancaster School of Ministry Open House

Tuesday, March 1  ::  7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Covenant Christian Church

  • Contact Us and we will be happy to discuss the School of Ministry with you personally and pray with you about your decision.
  • Submit this Interest Form

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