The June issue of our ParentLink is hot off the presses! If you’re the parent of a child in 5th Grade or younger, and you’re not getting this in the mail each month, please contact us with your mailing address and we’ll get you taken care of.

This issue has tons of fun summer ideas for your family! Here’s a sample–

The Reward in Rest

Summer break is officially here and you’re likely in the middle of the great seasonal family schedule shift—what to do now that kids aren’t in school all day. Amidst coordinating sports, camping weekends, and summer activities, take care to leave margins—and plenty of them—for rest. Resting doesn’t have to mean sleeping or plopping on the couch in front of the TV for hours. It does, however, mean unplugging from what keeps you busiest during the week. Allowing your mind and your heart to be still and focus on things that bring you rest—such as God. Pastor Tim Keller, sums it up well:

“According to the Bible, it’s about more than just taking time off. After creating the world, God looked around and saw that ‘it was very good’ (Genesis 1:31). God didn’t just cease from his labor; he stopped and enjoyed what he’d made. What does this mean for us? We need to stop to enjoy God, enjoy his creation, enjoy the fruits of our labor. The whole point of Sabbath is joy in what God’s done.” (

Click here to read more!