By: Mitch Price
Having grown up with a family-owned business my entire life, I have become the proverbial “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Our company has specialized in developing scenic country neighborhoods, and building beautiful homes that compliment the land. Early on, I sought to learn the business from the ground up. I spent many an afternoon driving with my dad over rugged farm land in his not-so-suitable Mini Caravan that sat all of about 6″ off the ground. We’d drive the properties day after day seeking to design the roads just right so as to allow the perfect settings for our prospective neighbors.
As we began to build more and more houses over the years, to help better understand the entire process, I got my hands dirty working with many of the phases of construction; I worked on rough-framing, roofing, electrical work, siding, trim carpentry, cabinets, flooring, punch-out, and on and on. I dug-in as much as possible to learn as much as possible. The education I received has served to be invaluable to me as my roles have changed within our company.
Over those years, and still today, we’re always striving to build and solidify relationships with as many good contractors as possible. It is so true that “good help is hard to find.” When we find a high-quality, reliable, fairly priced contractor, we hold on tight and do all that we can to keep them working on our homes. Much of our reputation relies on their performing at a level that is agreed upon and expected. We’ve apparently done a pretty good job as our longevity and good reputation in the community will serve to attest.
Although now my primary “job”, (probably better defined as calling), is serving as the Lead Pastor at Life Church, I still have a hand in our land development/building business. On a regular basis, I am asked by friends and church members if I have a referral of someone who can “help with redoing my kitchen?”, or “do a little bit of plumbing work?”, or “just do some general handyman work?” In some cases I’m not able to help, but sometimes I’m able to say, “Yeah, I know a guy . . .” What a great phrase! A Win/Win for everyone!
As I thought about that phrase, “I know a guy!” I was reminded of how awesome it is to know THE Guy – Jesus! So much of our lives are lived out in the spiritual realm rather than the natural realm. We’ve got struggles, and worries, and difficult relationships, and unsure finances, and fear, and doubt, and the list goes on. As I embrace my role as a pastor and grow in my giftings and callings, I consider it a great privilege to be able to preach week-in and week-out that “I know a guy!” I know a guy who can bring “hope for the helpless, rest for the weary, . . . love for the broken heart, . . . grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing, . . . He’ll meet you wherever you are.” (Lyrics from Cry Out To Jesus ~ Third Day)
I would love to introduce you to “My Guy”, Jesus! He is truly is Mr. Fix It.